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听越狱学英语第二季 第8期:狱警Bellick追寻逃犯

时间:2009-10-26 01:02:22 来源:知行英语 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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[01:06.06]How goes it, Roy?
[01:18.30]To be honest, Roy, I could've done without the knee to the junk.
[01:21.23]You bit me, brad.
[01:23.15]Like a little girl, you bit me.
[01:24.85]Well, you had it coming.
[01:26.28]Yeah, probably did.
[01:29.54]You know it's crazy, us taking it out on each other for how things turned out.
[01:32.97]You want some to blame,
[01:34.22]how about those convicts staring up at us from the papers every morning.
[01:38.62]They took my job, my pension, my dignity.
[01:44.42]When they went over that wall, they took all of it right along with them.
[01:47.30]Everything I worked for my whole life.
[01:50.75]See that reward they got?
[01:53.11]Those ass-hats are worth more dead than you and I are alive.
[01:56.55]Not for long.
[01:57.82]What do you mean?
[01:59.27]I mean somebody's going to get that money, might as well be me.
[02:05.52]You know a job like that might go a little smoother with an extra pair of hands.
[02:09.82]You really think I'm going to split that reward with you?
[02:12.26]I'm just saying, you run into those brothers, two of them, one of you.
[02:16.02]You might find yourself wishing for a good wingman.
[02:33.46]Just get it done, Mike.
[02:40.57]How goes it, Roy?
[02:48.10]To be honest, Roy, I could've done without the knee to the junk.
[03:00.61]You bit me, brad. Like a little girl, you bit me.
[03:12.05]Well, you had it coming.
[03:14.24]Yeah, probably did.
[03:23.96]You know it's crazy, us taking it out on each other for how things turned out.
[03:40.31]You want some to blame,
[03:42.28]how about those convicts staring up at us from the papers every morning.
[03:58.35]They took my job, my pension, my dignity.
[04:11.69]When they went over that wall, they took all of it right along with them.
[04:16.38]Everything I worked for my whole life.
[04:28.89]See that reward they got?
[04:36.62]Those ass-hats are worth more dead than you and I are alive.
[04:47.69]Not for long.
[04:52.26]What do you mean?
[04:59.02]I mean somebody's going to get that money, might as well be me.
[05:14.61]You know a job like that might go a little smoother with an extra pair of hands.
[05:26.67]You really think I'm going to split that reward with you?
[05:36.60]I'm just saying, you run into those brothers, two of them, one of you.
[05:50.43]You might find yourself wishing for a good wingman.
[06:01.87]Just get it done, Mike.
[06:22.15]How goes it?
[06:29.13]How are you doing? How's going?
[06:33.26]to be honest  老实说
[06:37.40]honestly speaking
[06:40.54]bit  咬
[06:44.49]You bit me.
[06:50.00]turn out  结果如何
[06:54.06]It turned out (that) Ray had borrowed the money from one of his students.
[07:03.91]pension  养老金, 退休金
[07:07.22]dignity  尊严, 高贵
[07:10.62]Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity.
[07:19.10]smoother  更容易
[07:21.56]smooth  平滑的,平坦的,顺利的,没有阻碍或困难的
[07:27.48]The bill had a smooth passage through both houses of Congress.
[07:41.48]extra  额外的
[07:44.06]Can I have extra time to finish my work?
[07:51.18]split  劈开, (使)裂开,分离,或分享
[07:59.18]split a dessert
[08:03.11]run into  撞上,偶遇,碰上
[08:09.40]The project ran into difficulty.
[08:13.95]She ran into an old friend in a street.
[08:20.20]wingman  帮手

相关热词搜索: 越狱


下一篇:每日一歌第107期:Gimme that


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