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影视听力 第44期: Definitely, Maybe 绝对,也许

时间:2009-10-28 10:07:34 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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威尔(瑞安•雷诺兹 饰)的女儿玛雅(阿比吉尔•布莱斯林 饰)在学校学习了性教育之后,回到家中嚷着要父亲给她讲述关于自己的爱情故事。雅玛更想努力的从故事中找到母亲的形象,虽然她的父母已离婚。
1992年,威尔暂时别离的女友艾米莉(伊丽莎白•班克斯 饰)独自来到纽约发展自己的事业,他是协助克林顿竞选总统的竞选战团的一员。威尔雄心勃勃,可是他的事业却不如想象中顺利。
感情路也是如此,寂寞的威尔跟战团员工艾波(艾拉•费舍尔 饰)、新闻记者夏曼(蕾切尔•薇姿 饰)发展出若有似无的感情,最后他甚至与同样出轨了的艾米莉分手收场。



Definitely, Maybe is a new film written and directed by Adam Brooks. And it's something of an exception to the rule I've been complaining lately about how bad most romantic comedies are these days. And while that's certainly true, I would make a partial exception at least for Definitely, Maybe which is an unusually smart, charming and insightful entry in the genre.

It stars Ryan Reynolds as Will Hayes. When we first meet him he is trying to explain the facts of life to his young daughter Maya who is played by Abigail Breslin from Little Miss Sunshine. And he is trying to tell her the story of how he met her mother. So a lot of the movie takes place in flashback. It starts in 1992 when young Will is going off to work for the first presidential campaign of Bill Clinton and leaving behind his college sweetheart in Madison, Wisconsin. Her name is Emily and she is played by Elizabeth Banks.

She is one of three different women who are unbeknown to themselves auditioning for the role of his wife and Maya's mom. The others are Rachel Weisz who plays Summer, a kind of mysterious femme fatale, and Isla Fisher, who plays April, a flaky red head he meets at the campaign office.

Now a lot of the charm of this movie resides in its conceit and in its structure. It flashes back and you don't know which of these three women is gonna end up being the one he ends up with. And there is an extra wrinkle which is that he’s recently divorced from Maya’s mom. So you know that the one who he ends up happily with is not necessarily the one he is gonna live happily ever after.

The other thing that sizes is that this movie is very honest and forthright in a kind of understated way about some of the difficulties and imperfections and frustrations that go with falling in love and falling out of love, getting divorced, trying to figure out who the right person is for you, while still maintaining the basic fairytale enchantment that's so necessary for a romantic comedy to be romantic. And it's also pretty funny. The writing is sharp and clever. There aren't a lot of big laugh-out-loud jokes, but instead, a kind of insightful observant humor. All in all, Definitely, Maybe is a movie that I would definitely recommend.

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