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美剧随身听之绯闻女孩 第6篇

时间:2009-10-30 10:41:11 来源:可可英语 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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美剧随身听之绯闻女孩 第6篇

[00:12.11]Hey,how are you?
[00:13.95]You know...
[00:14.97]I've been better.
[00:16.81]Eric,I know I've been a terrible sister...
[00:20.60]Oh,I'm just so happy to see you.
[00:25.94]Must be a lot of rumors why you're back.
[00:27.50]Yeah,but none of them mention you.
[00:30.65]Just like mom wants,huh?
[00:31.74]What do I want,baby?
[00:32.85]For serena to sleep in her own bed,possibly wearing pajamas.
[00:37.33]Hey,I was just about to ask the doctor
[00:38.92]if I could take eric to breakfast. Wanna come?
[00:42.37]Um... No.
[00:44.82]I think what I'll do is go get him a croissant down the street.
[00:54.55]Let me guess...
[00:55.31]You told everyone eric's just visiting grandpa in rhode island.
[00:58.61]Your aunt carol in miami.
[00:59.92]So you're actually hiding him?
[01:01.50]He tries to take his own life,
[01:02.80]and you're worried it's gonna cost you "mom the year"?
[01:04.85]Serena,you've been gone,doing who knows what with god knows who...
[01:08.09]I told you,boarding school was not like that.
[01:09.93]Then you know what? As happy as I am to have you home,
[01:12.12]you have no idea what it's been like.

相关热词搜索: 美剧随身听

上一篇:美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第18篇



美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第1篇
美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第1篇[00:00.50]My name is Mary Alice Young.[00:03.09]When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article[00:06.51]about t

时间:2009-10-16 作者:admin

美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2篇
美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2篇[00:00.50]My body was discovered by my neighbor mrs. Martha Huber,[00:05.09]who had been startled by a strange popping sound.[00:08

时间:2009-10-17 作者:admin

美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第3篇
美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2篇[00:00.50]It's my neighbor. I think she's been shot.[00:02.88]There's blood everywhere.[00:04.59]Yes. You've got to send an ambulan

时间:2009-10-17 作者:admin

