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时间:2011-04-28 14:48:29 来源:可可英语 编辑:Amy  每天三分钟英语轻松学

评论  打印 字号: | |  

Victor, we went on, like, a honeymoon 维克多 我们是来度蜜月的
and we didn’t mind being apart from each other. 我们却不介意分开
It’s not supposed to be that way. 不应该是这样的
We’re supposed to want to be with each other all the time. 我们应该时时刻刻都在一起的啊
Well, I wish I could tell you that things are gonna be different 我希望能告诉你一切都会不同的
and that I’m gonna be different, 我也会变好
but I... 但我...
This is who I am.       I know, but I love... 这就是我      我知道 但我爱...
I love who you are. 我爱的就是这样的你
But I’ve changed. 但我变了
It’s not working. 这样不行
I have to go, Victor. 我要走了 维克多
Romeo, save me, I’ve been feeling so alone 罗密欧 救我 我感到好孤单
I keep waiting for you but you never come 我一直等你 但你一直没来
Is this in my head? I don’t know what to think 是我脑子的出问题了? 不知道要想些什么
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring 他跪在地上 拿出了戒指
And said, marry me Juliet 他说 朱丽叶 嫁给我
You’ll never have to be alone 你永远不会再孤单
I love you and that’s all I really know 我爱你 这是唯一的真理
I talked to your dad Go pick out a white dress 我问过你父亲了 去选一件白婚纱
It’s a love story, baby, just say yes 真是可爱的故事 宝贝 快答应
’Cause we were both young when I first saw you 因为第一次看到你时 我们都还年轻
Sophie?       Hi. 索菲      嗨
Hi.       Hey! 嗨      嘿
Hi. 嗨
Can’t believe you’re here. You look beautiful. 不敢相信你来了 你真美
When did you get in? Where are you staying? 什么时候来的? 住在哪儿?
I haven’t figured that out yet. 我还没想好呢
Well, no need. You’ll stay here. 没关系 你可以住这儿
Lorenzo wouldn’t have it any other way. 要不洛伦佐不会答应的
I hope so. How is... 希望如此 怎么...
How’s our great Lorenzo? Is he as amazing as ever? 我们伟大的洛伦佐怎么样? 一如既往的帅吗?
Even more so.       Yeah? 更帅了      真的?
Actually, I wanna just...        There you are! 其实 我只想...      你在这啊
I think we’re ready in there, and she’ll be here any second. 我想我们已经准备好了 她随时会来
Sophie, this is Patricia. 索菲 这是帕翠莎
Hi. 嗨
The Sophie? 传说中的索菲?
The Sophie. 传说中的索菲
It is so nice to finally meet you. 真高兴终于见到你了
Well, I’ll see you inside.       Okay. 到里面见      好的
Don’t trip.       As if I’m not nervous enough. 别乱走      只要我别太紧张
Bye.       Bye. 再见      再见
Okay. 好的
It’s great to see you.       I’m gonna go in. I will... 很高兴见到你      我要进去了 我要...
I’II... I’ll see you after, okay?       Okay. Yep. 晚点再会 好吗?      好的
Hi.       Hi. 嗨      嗨
Hi, Sophie.       I’m so happy to see you. 嗨 索菲      很高兴见到你

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