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2008年美国总统竞选辩论(第一场) [中英文对照]
时间:2009-2-13 13:26:22  来源:可可英语  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:视频及开场介绍
第 2 页:奥巴马谈金融拯救计划
第 3 页:麦凯恩分析救市
第 4 页:麦凯恩许诺挽救经济
第 5 页:奥巴马激烈反击
第 6 页:税收政策
第 7 页:走出经济危机
第 8 页:如何促进经济增长
第 9 页:减税政策1
第 10 页:减税政策2
第 11 页:减税政策3
第 12 页:金融救援的代价
第 13 页:医疗问题
第 14 页:关于酒精补助

LEHRER: Respond directly to him about that, to Senator Obama about that, about the -- he's made it twice now, about your tax -- your policies about tax cuts.

MCCAIN: Well -- well, let me give you an example of what Senator Obama finds objectionable, the business tax.

Right now, the United States of American business pays the second-highest business taxes in the world, 35 percent. Ireland pays 11 percent.

Now, if you're a business person, and you can locate any place in the world, then, obviously, if you go to the country where it's 11 percent tax versus 35 percent, you're going to be able to create jobs, increase your business, make more investment, et cetera.


I want to cut that business tax. I want to cut it so that businesses will remain in -- in the United States of America and create jobs.


But, again, I want to return. It's a lot more than $18 billion in pork-barrel spending. I can tell you, it's rife. It's throughout.

The United States Senate will take up a continuing resolution tomorrow or the next day, sometime next week, with 2,000 -- 2,000 -- look at them, my friends. Look at them. You'll be appalled.


And Senator Obama is a recent convert, after requesting $932 million worth of pork-barrel spending projects.

So the point is, I want people to have tax cuts. I want every family to have a $5,000 refundable tax credit so they can go out and purchase their own health care. I want to double the dividend from $3,500 to $7,000 for every dependent child in America.

I know that the worst thing we could possibly do is to raise taxes on anybody, and a lot of people might be interested in Senator Obama's definition of "rich."


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