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2008年美国总统竞选辩论(第一场) [中英文对照]
时间:2009-2-13 13:26:22  来源:可可英语  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:视频及开场介绍
第 2 页:奥巴马谈金融拯救计划
第 3 页:麦凯恩分析救市
第 4 页:麦凯恩许诺挽救经济
第 5 页:奥巴马激烈反击
第 6 页:税收政策
第 7 页:走出经济危机
第 8 页:如何促进经济增长
第 9 页:减税政策1
第 10 页:减税政策2
第 11 页:减税政策3
第 12 页:金融救援的代价
第 13 页:医疗问题
第 14 页:关于酒精补助

LEHRER: All right, let's go to the next lead question, which is essentially following up on this same subject.

And you get two minutes to begin with, Senator McCain. And using your word "fundamental," are there fundamental differences between your approach and Senator Obama's approach to what you would do as president to lead this country out of the financial crisis?


MCCAIN: Well, the first thing we have to do is get spending under control in Washington. It's completely out of control. It's gone -- we have now presided over the largest increase in the size of government since the Great Society.

We Republicans came to power to change government, and government changed us. And the -- the worst symptom on this disease is what my friend, Tom Coburn, calls earmarking as a gateway drug, because it's a gateway. It's a gateway to out-of-control spending and corruption.

(注:麦凯恩这里没有说只有民主党人有腐败,而是坦诚说道共和党人也有人中毒了。gateway drug: 有一种假设,认为服用不大容易上瘾的药品可能会引人服用更加危险的毒品甚至引人犯罪。香烟、酒精等常常被人们称为gateway drug。我这里把它翻译为入门毒品。)

And we have former members of Congress now residing in federal prison because of the evils of this earmarking and pork-barrel spending.


You know, we spent $3 million to study the DNA of bears in Montana. I don't know if that was a criminal issue or a paternal issue, but the fact is that it was $3 million of our taxpayers' money. And it has got to be brought under control.


As president of the United States, I want to assure you, I've got a pen. This one's kind of old. I've got a pen, and I'm going to veto every single spending bill that comes across my desk. I will make them famous. You will know their names.

Now, Senator Obama, you wanted to know one of the differences. He has asked for $932 million of earmark pork-barrel spending, nearly a million dollars for every day that he's been in the United States Senate.


I suggest that people go up on the Web site of Citizens Against Government Waste, and they'll look at those projects.


That kind of thing is not the way to rein in runaway spending in Washington, D.C. That's one of the fundamental differences that Senator Obama and I have.


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