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背诵为王第二册 Unit63:A Plane Crash
时间:2009-4-15 9:26:53  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:英语文本
第 2 页:中文翻译和词汇注释





Lesson63 A Plane Crash

Nancy Paine has been a pilot for many years. She is an old friend of Otis Jackson's and is supporting his election campaign. Yesterday, Nancy was flying her twin-engine plane over the city with a         1         saying Otis For Mayor. Around two o'clock it started getting         2        , and Nancy decided to go back to the airport.
Suddenly, her right engine started having problems. It died in less than a minute. Nancy became frightened when the plane started losing height. She flew into some heavy clouds and was able to see only a short distance         3        her. When the clouds disappeared, her plane was just a few hundred feet above the ground. Nancy saw a wheat field in the distance and tried to land there.         4        , her plane was going too fast and she wasn't able to land where she wanted to. She crashed into a barn on the other side of the field.
The barn belonged to Alan Cooper, who was feeding his chickens when he heard the noise. Alan ran over to the barn and found Nancy inside the plane. She had a broken leg and wasn't able to move. Although she was badly hurt, Nancy was able to explain what happened. Alan opened the door of the plane and gently pulled her out. He laid Nancy on a pile of hay and tried to make her         5        . Then he ran to the farmhouse and called an ambulance.



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