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神秘惊悚:《肉体证据》Body of Evidence


肉体证据(Body of Evidence)简介:
Kay Scarpetta, chief medical examiner of Virginia and heroine of Postmortem , gets involved in the case of a brutal stabbing death in Richmond of romance writer Beryl Madison. Now Madison's greedy lawyer accuses Scarpetta of losing his client's latest manuscript, an autobiographical expose of Beryl's early life as protege of a legendary novelist. As more deaths occur and the killer closes in on her, Kay suffers palpitations over the sudden and devious reappearance of long-lost lover Mark but still finds time to provide forensic details. Despite its foregone conclusion, a swift-moving, thrilling, and provocative second novel.  一个才华洋溢的年轻女作家为了躲避紧迫盯人的匿名骚扰电话而远赴小岛,然而就在她用尽身上钱财被迫回家的当晚随即遇害,被人发现陈尸家中,身上刀痕累累惨不忍睹,但是她那份引发相关人士担忧、不满的自传手稿竟不翼而飞……

上传时间:2012-09-26 13:45:10 | 下载次数:0 | 文件大小: 782 KB

关键字: 神秘
