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经济学人文艺系列 2013-04-12


Books and Arts; Book Review;20th-century women; Dandy dames;

Rebecca West and Dorothy Thompson were remarkable—by any standards;
无论何时,Rebecca West和Dorothy Thompson都吸引着世俗的目光;

Dangerous Ambition: Rebecca West and Dorothy Thompson, New Women in Search of Love and Power. By Susan Hertog.
代偿巨大的野望:Rebecca West和Dorothy Thompson,新时代女性追寻的爱与权力。作者:Susan Hertog。

Dorothy Thompson and Rebecca West were career women long before the term had been invented. In the 1930s, when Thompson and West were making their mark as established professionals, a Gallup poll recorded that 82% of the American population believed women “should not have paying jobs outside the home” if their husbands were employed. Yet both women worked consistently from their early 20s in occupations that were almost entirely male-dominated—Thompson as a foreign correspondent and then a political commentator; West (pictured) as a literary critic, lauded novelist, historian and travel writer.
DOROTHY THOMPSON和Rebecca West是名符其实的”职业女性”----远在这个专有名词发明之前。在20世纪30年代,Thompson 和West凭其过硬的专业本领广为人知。一项盖洛普民意显示82%的美国国民坚信只要丈夫保有一份工作,妻子就“不应该在抛头露面赚钱养家”。然而就是在那样一个男性主导的工作环境中,两位女性从20几岁开始变贯己之念长驻岗位:thompson先是作为一个外国通讯记者,随后转职为政治评论员;West(如上图)则集文学评论家、广集赞誉的小说家、历史学者以及游记著撰者多职于一身。


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关键字: 经济学人 文艺
