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经济学人财经系列 2013-04-25


Finance and Economics;Japanese banks in Asia; Lending a hand;

Japan's biggest banks help pick up the slack from retreating Europeans;

There are two, potentially overlapping, ways in which Asia's export-driven economies could suffer from the euro crisis. One is from the slowdown in trade to Europe. The other is the drying up of finance, from trade credit to syndicated loans, extended by euro-zone banks. On neither score is Asia as vulnerable as it was after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, argued Iwan Azis of the Asian Development Bank, at The Economist's Bellwether conference in Tokyo on May 16th. One of the reasons is that Japan's mega-banks have lumbered off their home territory to pick up some of the slack left by the departing Europeans (see chart).
欧元危机可能给亚洲的出口导向型经济带来两方面的影响(有可能是相互交叉的):一方面是对欧贸易额减少,另一方面是资金不足,这是欧元区银行延长了贸易信贷和银团贷款的期限导致的。5月16日,在东京举办的经济学家领导人会谈中,亚洲发展银行的lwan Azis认为,尽管如此,亚洲经济却再也不会像2008年雷曼兄弟垮台之后那般脆弱。其中一个原因是,日本的大型银行逐渐跨越本国领域,捡起了打退堂鼓的欧洲人撂下的一些担子。


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关键字: 经济学人 财经
