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永不言败(The Relentless Pursuit of Success)简介:
This book captures the essence of Yu Minhong's personal philosophy towards life and business. Through a collection of anecdotes, Yu illustrates the lessons he has learned in life and how he has applied them to his corporate success in modern China.
The book is organized into four sections, chosen to demarcate four key stages in Yu's life. It covers the history of the New Oriental Education and Technology business from its humble beginnings with fifteen students to an educational empire with nearly one million students by 2006. The book also contains Yu's vision for the future of foreign language education in China. It will be of interest to readers seeking insight into the mentality of a successful modern Chinese entrepreneur and corporate leader.   为了使我们的一辈子不至于白过,我们从年轻时就应该创造一些令自己感动和留恋的日子,当这些日子成为我们生命中的过去时,它们就像成年的老酒一样发出浓郁的芳香,使我们的生命充满回味,或者就像我们旅程中的航标灯一样,永远成为我们生命方向的导航,使我们不再迷失在世俗的迷雾中。那么什么样的日子才是令人感动的日子呢?从绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌,追求卓越,挑战极限!

上传时间:2013-04-17 13:23:30 | 下载次数:0 | 文件大小: 2221 KB

关键字: 经管 永不言败
