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生活休闲:《罗马非主流指南》Irreverent Guide to Rome


Frommer’s 罗马非主流指南 第3版(Frommer’s Irreverent Guide to Rome 3rd Edition)简介:
Are you tired of cliché-ridden guidebooks packed with promotional fluff? Then move over to the IRREVERENT GUIDES–the travel series that no tourist board would dare to recommend.

Look inside for the lowdown on:

Hotels for the well-heeled and the sensibly-shod
Where to see monks’ bones, "talking" statues, and lesser-known Michelangelos
Attractions to line up for–and those to skip
Where–and when–to enjoy a proper cappuccino
Shops to scour for the latest bags, boots, and papal vestments
The best piazzas, outdoor cafes, and discos for people watching, wine sipping, nightclubbing, and doing as the Romans do

上传时间:2013-06-05 13:23:27 | 下载次数:0 | 文件大小: 4824 KB

关键字: 生活休闲 罗马
