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零距离美语会话[家庭]Lesson 2:Here comes the bride
时间:2006-3-24 21:44:36  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
's around.
Ned:  For example?
Becky:  Well, last week I invited her over to dinner.  My husband and I had no problem with the food, but if you listened to her, then it would seem like I fed her old meat and rotten11 vegetables.  There's just nothing can please her. 
Ned:  No, I can't see that happening.  I know you're a good cook and nothing like that would ever happen.
Becky:  It's not just that.  She also criticizes how we raise the kids.
Ned:  My mother-in-law used to do the same thing to us.  If it wasn't disciplining12 them enough, then we were disciplining them too much.  She also complained about the food we fed them, the schools we sent them too, and everything else under the sun13.
Becky:  You said she used to?  How did you stop her?
Ned:  We basically sat her down and told her how we felt about her constant14 criticizing, and how we welcomed her advice but hoped she'd let us do our things.  She understood, and now everything is a lot more peaceful.
Becky:  That sounds like a good idea.  I'll have to try that.

Additional Information:
Nowadays wives seldom live with their mother in laws.  So this doesn’t happen often. 

4.    Indiscretion.
Janice:  What's the matter, Lisa?  You don't look too good.
Lisa:  I just found out that my husband is cheating on15 me.
Janice:  You mean Mark?  He seems like such an honest guy.
Lisa:  That's what I thought.  It seems that he's been seeing someone else for about two months. 
Janice:  Two months?  How did you find out?
Lisa:  I asked for leave and was at home when the telephone rang.  I picked it up and a girl asked to talk to Mark.  She then asked if I was his sister, and I said no, I was his wife.  She hung up immediately. 
Janice:  So you asked him about the girl who called?
Lisa:  Yeah, he first said it was someone from work. He gave me a lame16 excuse, and so I pressed him on it. 
Janice:  What'd he do?
Lisa:  He kept trying to make stupid excuses, and then broke down17 and admitted to a small indiscretion18.
Janice:  Indiscretion?  How can an indiscretion last two months?  I mean, you two have been married for two years!  How can he do that to you? 
Lisa:  I told him I would divorce him if he wouldn’t tell me the truth or end the relationship with her.
Janice:  Good.  I totally agree with what you did.
——我请了假在家, 电话响了。我拿起电话,一个女孩说找马克。然后她问我是否是马克的姊妹,我说不是,我是他妻子。她立即挂了电话。

 4   Words and Expressions
1. groom  新郎
2. ceremony 仪式, 典礼
3. vow   誓,誓言,誓约
4. birdseed  鸟食, 鸟饵
5. bouquet 花束, 一束花
6. ballistic  弹道的
7. mildly   温和地, 和善地
8. compatible 能共处的; 可并立的
9. drive up the wall 使...大怒 
10. nit-pick 挑剔;吹毛求疵
12. discipline 惩戒,训导 
13. under the sun   世界上
14. constant 不停的,接连不断的,持续的
15. cheat on    (夫或妻)表现不忠,不贞
16. lame 站不住

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