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轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):来一杯浓咖啡
时间:2009-6-26 11:57:45  来源:可可英语  作者:echo  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

[00:00.00]John: Are you ready,Ali?
[00:01.15]Ali: I'm already ,but I'm not fully awake yet.Are you sure we have to get up this early to catch fish?
[00:08.32]John: Yes ,I'm positive.I've been doing this for years.If we get out on the water before the sun comes up, we'll have the best luck.Trust me .
[00:15.70]Ali: Well, I'm glad you're driving .My eyes are still half closed.
[00:19.69]John: It's hard for me to wake up sometimes,too I usually rely on some strong coffee to help me.
[00:24.52]Ali: That's what I do at home .We drink a lot of coffee in my family .Why don't I brew some ?We can take it with us.
[00:30.78]John:No,Let's get on the road .We can stop along the way
[00:34.13]Ali: I thought you were eager to get to the lake before the sun comes up.


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