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轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):懒虫的早晨
时间:2009-6-28 12:23:47  来源:可可英语  作者:echo  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

[00:00.00]Christian and Julie are siblings.Christian is older than julie by two years.
[00:04.97]Both are supposed to go on a field trip this morning but Christian still hasn't woken up .
[00:09.32]His friend George had a going away party the night before and Christian didn't get back til the wee hours of the morning.
[00:15.16]Julie: Good morning sleepy head it time for school.
[00:18.65]Christian: No...It's way too early
[00:21.10]Julie: Wake up ,Wake up.Lazy...It's almost 8 A.M.
[00:26.21]Christian: Eight? What are you smoking ?I don't have any classes that early.
[00:30.28]Julie : Dumbo-brain.You've totally forgotten about the field trip.haven't you?
[00:34.81]Christian: I don't want to go on no stinking field trip ,I want to sleep.
[00:38.12]Julie: Christian: You have to go.You already signed the permission slip and everything.
[00:43.52]Christian: No way .Get out of my room.You are evil!
[00:46.55]Julie: I was hoping you wouldn't force me to do this.
[00:50.26]Christian: Julie,I'm exhausted.
[00:52.31]Julie: I told you not to go out last night.
[00:55.19]Christian: Come on,It was George's going away party.
[00:57.92]Julie: Still,first thing is first.You have to go on this field trip.
[01:03.61]Christian: Won't you cover for me? Please.
[01:06.24]Julie: Absolutely not ! Now get out of bed lazy pants.
[01:10.13]Christian: You are really cruel!
[01:12.18]Julie:"Mom " Christian won't get out of bed ,We're going to be late for the field trip.
[01:16.64]Christian: Don't say that ,Tell her I'm sick or something .
[01:19.99]Julie : Now you're talking .All right .I'll cover for you .but you have to give me your car for a week.
[01:25.21]Christian: One week? You have got to be dreaming!
[01:28.67]Julie: Oh Mom, Chuistian refuses to...
[01:32.56]Chistian: All right all right ,you win already .Here .The car is yours for a week.Just get out of my room and let me sleep .My head is killing me.


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