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想求爱成功? 来点儿背景音乐吧!

时间:2010-08-10 09:38:14 来源:i21st 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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At the end of the discussion, he would use the same chat-up line with each one: "My name is Antoine, as you know. I think you are very nice and I was wondering if you would give me your phone number. I'll phone you later and we can have a drink together somewhere next week."


Each time after making his pitch, Antoine was instructed "to gaze and smile at the participant" while she considered her answer.


Only 27.9 percent of the women who heard the neutral music agreed to Antoine's proposal. But those who were exposed to the love song were much easier to win over – 52.2 percent of that group offered their details.


The research appears to back up theory that any man making romantic overtures should be careful to when choosing music "back at his place."


The scientists, who published the results in the journal Psychology of Music, believe that romantic lyrics may "prime" people's behaviour.


"It was found that women previously exposed to romantic lyrics complied with the request more readily than women exposed to the neutral ones. The difference was significant. If you're having trouble getting a date, picking the right soundtrack could improve the odds," they said.


One of the researchers, Nicolas Gueguen, wrote, "The results are interesting for scientists who work on the effect of background music on individuals' behaviour."


It is not just women who fall under the spell of love songs. Previous work by the same team found that men spent more money in florists when romantic music was being played.


相关热词搜索: 时尚双语




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