
时间:2006-6-25 14:10:08  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

超人气女星卡梅伦·迪亚兹(Cameron Diaz)风光上榜2004年最新版本的《吉尼斯世界纪录》。在吉尼斯世界纪录娱乐项目中,卡梅伦·迪亚兹成为“年收入最高的电影女演员”,她在2001年里总共收入4000余万美元,在全世界女明星当中高居第一。


Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle star Cameron Diaz is going into the record books as Hollywood's highest earning actress ever. The former model overtook longtime champ Julia Roberts with the help of the nearly $40 million she earned last year, according to the 2004 edition of the Guinness Book Of Records.

好了,听到了吗?对了,“the Guinness Book Of Records”就是我们通常说的《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》(g-u-i-n-n-e-s-s)或者我们可是说"The Guiness World Records"简称GWR,而“收入最高女演员”就是 highest earning actress.

其实,Guinness本是缘自Guinness Brewery--一家爱尔兰啤酒厂的名字,当年Guinness啤酒厂的常务董事Huge Beaver去参加一个射击晚会,在晚会上偶然和人争论到哪种猎鸟飞的最快时,突然来了灵感,如果有这样的一本书,里面提供各种各样的世界纪录就好了。 这样后来,才有了the Guinness Book Of Records的说法。有关the Guinness Book Of Records的详尽英文介绍,请大家在今天的节目后,参阅Steven在页面下方为大家提供的短文。

Guess how long is the longest fingernail in the world?

In 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, then the managing director of the Guinness Brewery, went on a shooting party and became involved in an argument. Which was the fastest game bird in Europe? The golden plover or the grouse? He realized then that a book supplying the answers to this sort of question might prove popular. He was right!

Sir Hugh's idea became reality when Norris and Ross McWhirter, who had been running a fact-finding agency in London, were commissioned to compile what became The Guinness Book of Records. The first edition was bound on August 27, 1955, and went to the top of the British bestseller lists by Christmas that year.

Since then, Guinness World Records has become a household name and the global leader in world records. No other enterprise collects, confirms, accredits and presents world record data with the same investment in comprehensiveness and authenticity.

The book has gone on to become a record breaker in its own right. With sales of more than 94 million copies in 100 different countries and 37 languages, Guinness World Records?is the world's best ever selling copyright book!


The longest fingernail is 6.15m long.

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