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[关键投票] 看电影《关键投票》学英语第10期:茉莉的父亲放茉莉的鸽子
Shit! Goddamnit!靠 该死Well, hell, Carl!该死 凯尔You could have showed me your footage when you walked in.你应该在进来的时候 就放这段录像的I know we went to school together, Bud. I've always like

时间:2012-05-08 编辑:Daisy

[战马] 看电影学英语《战马》第9期:可他是完美的
Do you want to lose the farm? Rose? It's the way you did it.你想失去咱的农场吗,Rose?是你做事方式问题。But we are at war. Aren't we just. Joey... I told you? Sling your hook!可现在是

时间:2012-04-16 编辑:rainbow

[战马] 看电影学英语《战马》第8期:让Joey成为我的坐骑
台词欣赏It is war. We are at war with Germany. England is at war with Germany.战争来了!我们对德国宣战了!英格兰和德国开战了!They're going to ring the bells at six o'clock.他们六点会

时间:2012-04-12 编辑:rainbow

[初恋50次] 看电影学英语《初恋50次》第24期:早安,罗太太

时间:2012-04-11 编辑:rainbow

[战马] 看电影学英语《战马》第7期:可我从没减少对你的爱
- Not dad's?[qh]- 这不是给爸爸的?[qh]- Well it ain't mine, dear. He got that after the fighting at Transvaal. After he'd been hurt...[qh]- 当然不是我的,亲爱的 是他在德兰士瓦战役之后他得的

时间:2012-04-10 编辑:rainbow

[关键投票] 看电影《关键投票》学英语第9期:茉莉的父亲被炒鱿鱼
Tell me something. What do you want to be when you grow up?[qh]莫莉 告诉我 长大以后想干什么?[qh]I go back and forth. Either a veterinarian or chairman of the Fed.[qh]我有点拿不定主意 兽医或者美联储主

时间:2012-05-08 编辑:Daisy

[初恋50次] 看电影学英语《初恋50次》第23期:竟然送我一张CD
台词欣赏Well... Okay, you guys. Thanks for coming to say goodbye. Be careful[qh]各位... 谢谢你们来送行 保重[qh]You make sure your father doesn't get eaten by a shark.[qh]看好你阿爸,别让鲨鱼吞了他

时间:2012-04-09 编辑:rainbow

[初恋50次] 看电影学英语《初恋50次》第22期:直接撕掉吧,结束了
台词欣赏Why are you doing this?[qh]你为什么要这么做?[qh]Because you have to understand that there is no future with me. Don't you want to have a career and marriage and children?[qh]因为你必须明

时间:2012-04-06 编辑:rainbow

[关键投票] 看电影《关键投票》学英语第8期:投选票的前奏
Thank you, thank you for coming.[qh]谢谢 感谢前来[qh]Galena and I would like to thank America...[qh]葛莲娜和我要感谢美国[qh]for this glorious opportunity.[qh]给我们这次光荣的机会[qh]I have met people

时间:2012-05-08 编辑:Daisy
