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灵异故事:鬼眼之屋(House Of Eyes 02)
时间:2009-1-6 14:14:43  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

I had just gotten back from a late movie with some friends and needed to take a bath to calm down enough to sleep. The bathroom is your basic bath and toilet, but there is one very important thing about it that shouldn't be ignored. You are in it, you should never, EVER close your eyes for very long. (I learned this the hard way through this experience.) I ran the water as hot as possible, letting the steam fog up the mirror before turning it off, and laid down in the steaming water. Getting comfortable and relaxed, I began to feel the familiar need to look over my shoulder. I obliged the need and found nothing there for the thousandth time. I had an urge to look over my other shoulder, and then the other, above me, at my feet... until I finally decided that I would just ignore it. After all, nothing ever happened before, why now? Almost immediately I felt a chill, even though my water was scalding me I was shivering. I wanted out, but simply scolded myself for being such a chicken every time I got a little scared. I closed my eyes. In my minds eye I saw a boy sit up out of the water at my feet, his eyes following me as he moved up, watching me lay there. I sprang up and sloshed the water over the rim of the basin staring wildly at my feet at the other end. I saw no boy, but I could feel him watching me, as though we were staring each other down. I decided bath time was over and rushed out of the bathroom without draining the tub until some sunlight came through the dark red stained glass window by the toilet the next morning.

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