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灵异故事:鬼眼之屋(House Of Eyes 04)
时间:2009-1-8 10:59:24  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

I am never alone in my bedroom, I can say that much, there is always someone in the room watching. But actual proof besides the HURRY! ROLL OVER! feel when I sleep, took place just last month at 3:00 in the morning. I had my cat curled up beside me in the crook of my arm, he moved suddenly and then moved away from me. I'm not sure where he went during that time, I was too groggy to notice, but he had the right idea. Move! I thought he wanted out to go to the bathroom, so looking at the clock and grunting, I rolled over to look at his cat dish by the end of my bed. I didn't see a cat dish there. It was quick and more shocked than frightened me at the time, but I saw a pair of eyes looking over my blankets by my left arm. They weren't the cats eyes, his would glow and reflect moonlight at that hour, these eyes were big, tiny pupils with enormous whites flashing when my bed swung past, the face pale with its nose hung over the beds edge. I flipped over to look at my clock. My heart was pounding and a cold sweat broke over me. I covered myself up to my chin with the heavy blankets, making myself hot and uncomfortable, but too scared to move in fear that It would grab me. I heard the floorboards creak by my bed where my head was laying exposed, I still couldn't move. All night long the boards creaked in my room and things fell in my closet making the door pound. I didn't sleep the rest of the night, and helped to comfort my cat when he came whizzing back up into my arms. Neither of us made a sound and the Cat didn't want to get off the bed until the sun came up.

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