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灵异故事:摇篮曲(The Lullaby 04)
时间:2009-2-5 10:50:09  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

While leaving the house to go to school, I glanced at the garbage can. The head of the doll was peering out of the top, exposing her face. A chill came over me, and I quickened my pace.

  When I came home from school, I again had to pass the garbage can. I glanced towards it once more. The eyes followed me while I was walking by her. I thought that I was seeing things, so I repeated it. No, I was not seeing things. I ran into the house in hysterics. My dad happened to be home, and hardly being able to get the words out, I told him what had just happened. My dad immediately called the Bishop and he came over and got the doll.

  To this day, I do not know what came of the doll. I don't know what type of spirit possessed the doll, but I feel that it wasn't out to hurt me in any way. From time to time, I think about the lullaby, but can't remember the lyrics that were sung...no matter how hard I concentrate. I never questioned my neighbors about the doll, so whether they experienced the same thing, I will never know. I've spoken with others since I related the story, those who actually make porcelain dolls. They also believe that there is something inside those dolls...something uncomprehendable, but that they are of good spirits and nothing to be frightened of. Since that day, I let go of collecting dolls.

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