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灵异故事:我房中的婴儿(The Baby In My House 01)
时间:2009-2-8 21:58:40  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

I got married when I was 17, pretty young. Since my husband and I were both going to college, and had a job, we didn't even try thinking about getting our own place. A year passed, and we lived in the dorm, when my mother said she found this gorgeous old house in a small town somewhat close to our college.

  It was like a duplex, housing two families. Brad, my husband, said we should move in. My mother and I made a deal that we helped her buy the house. Soon enough, we bought it, before Brad and I even had seen it.

  Finally, it was time for us to move in. It was on our Christmas break, and we had gotten everything packed up. We followed the moving van, and soon we entered the small town. It didn't look very modern; the houses were huge and old looking. It seemed like a dreary place, full of shadows. All of a sudden, there were less and less houses as we drove on, and they become shabbier, uglier. Is our house going to be the ugliest, most isolated one? I asked. No, our house has been fixed up, it’s so pretty. And it’s a bit isolated, in the woods, she replied. Woods? As soon as I thought of it, woods appeared, and we drove by them.

  After a couple of miles, a big house loomed up in front of us. It was huge, and just as mom said, beautiful. It didn't look shabby, just old and mysterious. Great, I thought. This would be fun, moving in!

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