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影视听力 第63期:《海狸先生》The Beaver

时间:2011-04-06 11:13:06 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Is dad gone?

He's not gone, honey. We just agreed that it's better if we don't live together anymore.

I'm glad you kicked him out. What a loser.

This is the story of Walter Black. A hopelessly depressed individual. The successful and loving family man he used to be has gone missing.

And  no matter what he has tried, Walter can't seem to bring him back.

What's that?

It's a brain. Mom says yours got broken.

So you can see that Walter is a man who's lost all hope. But he is about to find his voice.

Bloody you, look at you.

I'm sick.

Do you want to get better?

Who are you?

Oh, I'm the beaver, Walter.  And I'm here to save your damn life.

The person who handed you this card is under the care of a prescription,  but designed to help create a psychological distance between himself  and the negative aspects of his personality.

This is a joke, right?

No, son, it's a fresh start.

I'm not talking to you, nut-job. I'm talking to mom.

Good morning, all. As of now, Walter is resigning and putting me in charge.

The funny is to wash the man.

Everyone is…

A beaver?

It is the future.

Mr. Beaver wood chopper kits selling out in droves.

But I've been very patient.  And I want you, not him.

This man is a dead end, he's gone.

I fought for you, and I will continue to fight for you because I love you.

I want daddy.

I know, buddy.

When I was a little kid, all I ever wanted was to be like you. When I got older, I just wanted to be  anybody else.

I know.

Where do we start?

We start with a good part.

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