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影视听力 第104期:《莱姆酒日记》

时间:2011-09-05 11:27:02 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Puerto Rico, I came down here looking for a story.
It's called journalism.
You're resume here.
Don't look so anxious. I wouldn't have payed you for hotel if I hadn't already hired you. But I found the strangest paradise on the earth.
Hey, you made it.
What you said, you had a TV.
The across the alley has a TV, I have binoculars.
It's where your secrets come to the dance.
Don't notice the wig.
And the voodoo works its magic.
And if the drinking doesn't get you into trouble.
How does anybody drink 161 miniatures?
Are they not complementary?
Hey, Mamacita.
The women definitely will.
I thought maybe you were a mermaid.
I'm from Connecticut.
Stay away from her, she's Sanderson's finacee.
Somebody is in the nude.
She's a sweet little beauty.
I was looking at his boat.
We've all been down on her. It's a wonderful experience.
Now, all this might sound like some crazed hallucination, but it's all true, I think.
This place is a sea of money, Paul? And there's people like who know how to get it out.
Isn't that kind of that thing illegal?
It's an inappropriate comment.
We naid this bastard to his own front door.
I got a story for you.
You go there after.
Are you out of your mind?
A best useful idea.
That a thing is 400 centi prove our gone?
What we do is private?
Fanz's gone.
I've got a brilliant idea.
Try to look normal.

相关热词搜索: 影视听力

上一篇:新概念第四册句子精粹 Lesson 46:业余爱好

下一篇:新东方名师酷论:学新概念 过四六级


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好莱坞电影中无数男女主角的深情一吻成为经典,近来女人之间的恋情逐渐受到重视,影视剧中那些令人印象深刻的女子之间的接吻也成了经典一幕:Kisses of numerous hero and

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