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走遍美国:第14集 The Right Magic ACT II

来源:可可英语 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


See, it works! 瞧,真有效!
It's a big one! 真大哟!
Well, it always worked for me, too. 嗯,这办法对我也是屡试不爽。
Grandpa, get the net, please! 爷爷,请把网子拿来!
Dad, you got one, too! 爸爸,你也钓到一条!
You bet I have! 我当然钓到了!
Easy, Philip, easy. 慢慢来,Philip,慢慢来。
Sorry, Dad. 抱歉,爸爸。
Well, one more and I've got a pair of boots. 嗯,再钓一只我就有一双靴子了。
You didn't say the magic words. 你没有念魔语。
Robbie's right. Robbie说对了。
Yes, but you did, and we've got our lunch. 没错,如果你念了, 我们就有了午餐。
Let's build a fire and cook it! 咱们去升火烧鱼!
Come on, Albert, you can help us! 走,Albert,你来帮我们!
I want to stay here and fish. 我想呆在这儿钓鱼。
All right, but be careful. 好吧,但你得小心。
Is it finished yet? 行了吗?
I think so. 我想行了。
I hope you like your fish well done. 我想你们喜欢烧得不错的鱼。
Burned, you mean. 你的意思是烤熟的。
Hey, I'm a doctor, not a chef. 嘿,我是个医生,不是厨师。
Help! Help! I can't swim! 救命!救命!我不会游泳!
Dad! Grandpa! He fell in! 爸爸!爷爷!他掉到水里去了。
Easy does it, Robbie. 慢慢来,Robbie。
That a boy. 对了。
That's it. 就这样。
He's not breathing, Philip! 他停止呼吸了,Philip。
Robbie, run to the car! Robbie,去车上!
Bring a blanket and my medical bag. 拿一条毯子和我的医疗箱来。
Yes, Dad. 好的,爸爸。
Now, come on, son. Come on, son. 醒醒,孩子。醒醒,孩子。
Breathe, Albert! 呼吸呀,Albert!

So first you have to turn your hat around like this.
Then you close your eyes and say the magic words.
I got one.
"First, then, last."
What happened first?
What happened then?
What happened last?
First, then, last.
Let's try that again.
This time with other parts of Act 2.
First they arrived at the lake.
Next, Grandpa used the right magic.
After that, Robbie caught a fish.
Later on they cooked.
They burned the fish.
Finally Albert fell in the water.
First, next, after that, later on, finally.
What happened first?
What happened next?
What happened after that?
What happened later on?
And finally?
First, next, after that, later on and finally.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
chef [ʃef]


n. 厨师,主厨

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

blanket ['blæŋkit]


n. 毛毯,覆盖物,排字版
vt. 用毯子裹,

hook [huk]


n. 钩状物,勾拳,钩
v. 钩住,弯成(钩装





