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走遍美国:第27集 It's Up to You ACT III

来源:可可英语 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


And your friends are planning to go to Columbia? 而且你的朋友们也想去Columbia大学,对吗?
That's only part of it. 这只是一部分原因。
It's complicated. 原因很复杂。
I'll try to explain. 我会尽量给你解释。
Mike and I had a hamburger this afternoon, and we talked. 今天下午 Mike和我一起吃汉堡时讨论过。
Yes? 是吗?
Well, we talked about a lot of things. 嗯,我们谈了很多。
He applied to Columbia, 他申请了Columbia,
and his interview was very successful. 他的面谈很成功。
He thinks he'll be accepted, 他觉得他会被录取,
and he really wants to go there. 他确实很想去那儿。
Dean Rafer called me today. Rafer主任今天打电话给我。
He told me he was very impressed with you. 他告诉我他对你印象很好。
He's a nice man. 他是个好人。
He was very kind. 对人和蔼。
He told me 他告诉我
you had some doubts about wanting to go to Michigan. 你对上Michigan大学还有些疑虑。
Yes. I do. 是的,我有疑虑。
I'm just not sure about what I want to do. 我不知道该读什么。
That's OK. 没关系的。
You understand? 你能谅解?
Let me tell you something, Robbie. 让我告诉你一件事,Robbie。
Something that might be surprising to you. 一件也许会让你吃惊的事。
What? Tell me. 什么事,说给我听听。?
Well, Grandpa wanted me to study engineering, like him. 嗯,爷爷希望我像他一样学工程。
Well, I wasn't clear about my future, 哦,我对自己的未来也不清楚,
but I knew engineering was not for me. 但我知道工程对我不适合。
What did you tell Grandpa? 那你是如何对爷爷讲的?
The truth. 实话实说。
Then you're not upset 那么你有没有感到不高兴
about my not wanting to go into medicine? 对我不学医。
I'm not upset at all. 一点也不。
I'm just happy that we're able to talk about it. 我很高兴我们能够共同商讨这件事。
I am too, Dad. 我也一样,爸爸。
I suppose you want to apply to Columbia. 我猜想你会申请Columbia大学。
Yes, but I also want to apply to several other colleges. 是的,但我还想申请几所其他的大学。
I thought you wanted to go to Columbia. 我还以为你只想上Columbia大学。
Well, I might want to go to Columbia. 嗯,我也许去Columbia大学。
But I might not. 但也许不去。
I just want to be able to make my own decision. 我只想能够自己决定。
You're a real Stewart! 你真是我们Stewart家的人!
And if I think about it long enough, you never know ... 如果我考虑成熟的话,说不定……
Never know what? 说不定什么?
If I make my own decision, 如果我自己作决定,
I might choose Michigan. 我说不定选择Michigan大学。
Robbie, you're something! Robbie,你真了不起!
You know, when I was your age, 要知道,当我像你这么大的时候,
I said exactly the same thing to Grandpa. 我跟你爷爷也是这么说的。

Do I want to go to the University of Michigan?
Dad and Grandpa went there.
Or to an lvy League school,
like Columbia University?
Or maybe NYU, the New York University.
Mike applied there.
I've also been thinking about going to a state school.
SUNY, the State University of New York at New Paltz.
How can I compare them?
I think I'd like to go to a small school.
But Michigan in Ann Arbor,
Michigan is not small.
Columbia is smaller than Michigan.
SUNY in New Paltz is smaller than either Michigan or NYU.
And Columbia is smaller than SUNY.
It's a smaller school for undergraduates.
I want to go to a school that is close to Riverdale.
But Michigan is far away.
SUNY is closer to Riverdale.
NYU is closer than SUNY.
And Columbia is the closest.
Wow, that's a lot to think about.
Which one is the smallest?
Which school is the closest to Riverdale?
Which school is the cheapest?
SUNY at New Paltz.
Which school would you choose?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
indecision [.indi'siʒən]


adj. 犹豫
n. 下不了决心,拿不定主意

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策



adj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型





