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走遍美国:第67集 The Community Center ACT I

来源:可可英语 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Sit down, Robbie. Let's get to work. 坐下来,Robbie, 让我们开始做功课吧。
I'd like you to meet my friend Nat Baker. 我来向你们介绍我的朋友Nat Baker。
This is Alexandra Pappas, and this is my grandson Robbie, 这是Alexandra Pappas,这是我孙子Robbie,
whom I think you've met once or twice before. 我想你以前见过他一两次面。
Nice to meet you, Mr. Baker. 很高兴见到你,Baker先生。
Hi, Mr. Baker. We met before. 嗨,Baker先生。我们以前见过面。
Where? 在哪?
In town. At the hardware store. 在镇上。在五金商店。
I remember now. Right. Hi. 我现在想起来了。对了。嗨。
Hello, Alexandra. 哈,Alexandra。
Don't let us keep you from your math tutoring, Robbie. 别让我们打扰你的数学家教,Robbie。
I know you want to get to it. 我知道你想要开始啦。
Stay ... stay. 再待一会儿…再一会儿。
I told you. He'll use any excuse to avoid math. 我说嘛,他就适且找各种藉口来逃避数学。
Did you read the story in the paper, Malcolm? 你看到报纸上的新闻了吗,Malcolm?
I did. 看到了。
It's a serious matter for a lot of us. 对我们许多人来讲这可是个严重的问题。
A serious matter. 一个严重的问题。
It is. Come on out to the patio. 的确如此。请到院子里来吧。
We'll talk about it out there. 我们到外头谈。
Thanks. Nice to meet you ... again. 谢谢。很高兴再次…见到你。
What's the problem? 是什么问题?
Come on! You'll hear about it. 来吧!你将听到。?

You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
Sometimes you can find good news.
Sometimes the news is bad.
Sometimes the news makes you happy.
Sometmes it only makes you mad.
But if you want to be informed,
take my recommendation.
Go to a newsstand
and pick up a paper,
if you want information.
If you want to read the news ...
look in the paper.
If you want an opinion ...
look in the paper.
If you want to buy a house ...
look in the paper.
If you're looking for a job ...
look in the paper.
If you want to buy a car ...
look in the paper.
If you want to see a show ...
look in the paper.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
If you want to know the score ...
look in the paper.
If you want the weather forecast ...
look in the paper.
If you want to see the comics ...
look in the paper.
If you have money to invest ...
look in the paper.
If you want a recipe ...
look in the paper.
If you need a vacation ...
look in the paper.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
recommendation [.rekəmen'deiʃən]


n. 推荐,介绍

score [skɔ:]


n. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱
vt. 记分,刻

forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st]


n. 预测,预报
v. 预测

editorial [.edi'tɔ:riəl]


n. 社论
adj. 编辑的

patio ['pɑ:tiəu]


n. 天井(庭院)

skip [skip]


v. 跳过,略过,遗漏
n. 跳跃,跳读

interrupt [.intə'rʌpt]


v. 打断,打扰,中止,中断
n. [计算机]

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的



n. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避





