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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 35

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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 35

1 Well, here we are in Brighton, we’ve made up, we’ve said we’re sorry, and we’ve gotten back together again, haven’t we honey.
2 Yeah, we have.
3 And we’re going to have a really romantic vacation from now on, aren’t we, honey?
4 You said it.
5 We’re only going to go to really romantic places, and do really romantic things. No more going off alone.
6 No more cooking dinner for people who weren’t there.
7 No more going and playing golf without me.
8 No more 100-mile walks in the freezing cold.
9 No, we’re going to stay together all the time, and have a really great, really romantic vacation.
10 That’s right.
11 And we are starting right here. This place is Brighton Pavilion and it has the most romantic story.
12 Can I tell you the story of Brighton Pavilion, honey?
13 I think you are going to tell me anyway.
14 Ok, well, there was this prince, right? He was the Prince of Wales, which means, like, he was the son of the king.
15 Well, he was in love with a beautiful lady, and she said to him, like what can you do to show me?
16 Like, I want you to show me that you really love me? Really, really love me. So, the prince went and built this place, this Pavilion, OK?
17 Just for this lady, just for her love, isn’t that the most romantic things you ever heard?
18 So, what happened?
19 What do you mean--- what happened?
20 I mean—did the prince get what he wanted?
21 Did he get what he wanted? That’s not a very romantic why of saying it.
22 I mean after he spent, like, millions of bucks on this lady, did she just say, like.
23 “Thank you very much, Mr. Prince. Nice place, see you around.”
24 I don’t know, honey. Let’s go in and take a look around, OK?
25 So- what did you think of that, honey? Isn’t it romantic?
26 Yeah, it’s a kind of neat.
27 Kind of neat? Is that all?
28 Don’t worry, honey, I liked it, OK? It’s neat, it’s cute, so what do we do now?
29 I’ve just had the most amazing idea.
30 Yeah?
31 Listen, honey, what’s the most romantic place in the world?
32 Un… Cincinnati?
33 No, the most romantic place in the world is… Pairs, of course.
34 Ok, yeah, well that’s what they say, so?
35 Well, it’s only a couple of hundred miles from here. Why don’t we go and spend a few days there? We can have a honeymoon in Pairs!
36 Yeah, that a neat idea. Great! I’ve never been to France only things is, I don’t speak French.
37 That’s alright, honey. Je parle un pen francais.
38 Hey, you’re a real sophisticated lady, Deborah.
39 That’s right honey, you married a woman of the world.
40 So how long is the flight to Pairs? I guess it’s real short.
41 We’re not flyingto Pairs, we’re going by ship!
42 By ship? Why?
43 Because it’s more romantic, I mean, like, anyone can fly.
44 That’s just… you know normal, but going by ship, is, like, more special, it’s more romantic.
45 So there is a ship that goes to Pairs? How?
46 No honey, we get a ship from Newhaven, in England, which is, like, just a few miles from here.
47 to Dieppe, in France. Then we get a train from Dieppe to Pairs.
48 Un-huh.
49 Here’s the travel shop. I’ll go in and get our tickets, we can go to Pairs tomorrow, why not?
50 Sure! Hey I know; you go in and get the tickets, and I’ll go look for an American newspaper.
51 I haven’t seen one since we left the States, and I want to read about baseball results.






重点单词   查看全部解释    
haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人

sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid]


adj. 诡辩的,久经世故的,精密的,老练的,尖端的

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼


关键字: 原著 日语语法




