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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 59

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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 59

Excuse me, sir. I see that you are buying some vegetables. Can you tell me what you are buying?
- Yes, I’m going to get some beans. They just come into season now. I’m going to have some green peppers, and I’m also going to have a couple of courgette and some broccoli, I think.
- Tell me about broccoli, what does it taste like?
- Well, it tastes like most other greens I suppose.
- It’s very well done, stirred, quite lightly, then, it’s quite delicious.
- How much is it today? Twenty-five p for half a pound. And that’s not bad.
- I can see that you’re looking at the marrow too. Yes, they just come into season by the look of it. And I..
- I think I’ll probably take a marrow and stuff it when I got home.
- You’ll stuff your marrow?
- Yes, yes, you stuff it with meat, bake it in the oven and it’s quite nice when they are right.
- How about fruit? Are you going to be buying any fruit today? Yes, I think nectarines are beginning to come in. Apples, apricots are not taste thes days. They look a bit small.
- Excuse me, I just see that you bought some strawberrioes.
- Yes.
- Why did you choose strawberries today?
- For the baby. She likes them.
- Are they good to buy?
- Yes, I hope so.
- What other fruit do you like to buy here?
- All sorts of fruit, perhaps, nectarines, vegetable.
- Do you always buy those sorts of food in the market rather than in the supermarket or shop.
- Yes, because they are usually cheaper and usually fresher.
- Is it good value for money?
- Yes, I think so.
- And what’s your favorite food? What do you most like to eat?
- Fruit and fresh vegetables because they are good for you.






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