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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 74

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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 74

1. -What a fantastic meal! That really is a great restaurant.
2. -Yes, they say it’s the best Chinese restaurant in Washdon.
3. -Well, what shall we do, now? I feel like going somewhere: just the two of us.
4. -Yes, that’s a nice idea. We can go to my place if you like.
5. -No thanks, Marco. I don’t feel like meeting Mary again, actually.
6. -Look, I am not going out with Mary! I’ve told you before, Kristi. It’s true!
7. -It’s all right, Macro. I believe you. But I’m expecting a message from someone in Germany back at the hotel.
8. -So we’ll have to go back there, if that’s OK by you.
9. -Oh, alright. But what about that awful American woman?
10. -Oh, the American couple have gone; they went last week.
11. -Let’s get a bus there, shall we? The No.62stops right outside the hotel.
12. -Well, here we are!
13. -I hope the old man doesn’t hear me this time.
14. -You’ll just have to be very, very quiet, that’s all. See you outside the room! I’ll go and get the key, Ready?
15. -Oh, hell!
16. -What is it?
17. -He isn’t asleep! I’ve never seen him awake before. I wonder what’s happened!
18. What are we going to do?
19. -Let me see… I know; I’ll go in and ask him for some information about something or other.
20. -Then, when he’s looking away, you come in and go around to my room-very quietly, OK?
21. But what if he sees me?
22. -Look, if you don’t feel like it, Macro, you can always go back to your hostel.
23. -It’s all right. I’m ready, Kristi.
24. -Let’s go then.
25. -Dangerous criminal escapes from Dartbridge Prison. Police believe that the man is now in Washdon.
26. -He is tall with blue eyes and probably wearing a red T-shirt and blue jeans.
27. -Al! Oh! Er…help! Er…Oh, it’s you, Miss er-Sc-er-Scm-er-
28. -Why, Who did you think it was?
29. -This man who’s escaped from prison! It’s terrible! Haven’t you read the papers?
30. -No, I get quite enough news at work, thanks. Look, I wonder if you can help me.
31. -I want to go to Oxbridge tomorrow. Can you tell me what time the trains are, and which station I have to go from?
32. -Oh, I see. Oxbridge, er? I've been there.
33. I went there when I was a boy.
34. My father took me there, way back in nineteen thirty-
35. -Yes that’s very interesting. Have you got a railroad schedule, so that we can look up the train times?
36. -A railroad schedule?
37. To look up the train times, eh? That’s a good idea. Let me have a look…
38. Thank you. Come on, please!
39. -What did you say?
40. -Oh, nothing. I’m just in a bit of a hurry that’s all.
41. -Very well, very well. Here’s your schedule, Miss er-Sc-er Scm-er-
42. -This schedule is out of date. Look, it says “summer 1962”!
43. -Oh, dear, what a shame! I’m afraid that that’s the newest one we’ve got. All the others are even older-
44. -What was that?
45. -It’s that man who’s just escaped from prison! I’m sure he’s here!
46. He’s going to steal all our money, and kill us! I must call the police.
47. -Take it easy! Calm down! I didn’t hear anything at all.
48. I think there must be something wrong with your hearing, why don’t you go and see a doctor.
49. Well, I’ll have my key, now, please. Room 38.
50. -Good night!
51. -I’m going to call the police anyway.





重点单词   查看全部解释    
criminal ['kriminl]


adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的
n. 罪犯

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,


关键字: 学日语




