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洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第8课:这镇上有没有一家浪漫地法国餐馆

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Lesson 8 Is there a romantic French restaurant in this town?这镇上有没有一家浪漫地法国餐馆Where's the post office?邮局在哪儿?It's here,between the hospital and the theater.在这儿,医院和电影院在中间。Where's the drugstore?杂货店在哪儿?Over here.Right,Carol?在这儿。对吗,卡罗?Yes.The drugstore is across from the post office.对。杂货让在邮局对面。Excuse me?什么?It's across from the post office,next to the park.它在邮局对面,公园旁边。So,is there a bank in this town?那么,这个镇上有银行吗?There are three banks in this town.镇上有三个银行。One is on Main Street,one is next to the school,一个在主街上,一个在学校旁边,and there is one behind the hotel.还有一个在旅馆后面。There isn't any money in this bank.这个银行里一点钱也没有。Very funny.Here,this is for you.真有趣。给,这是给你的。What is it?这是什么?It's dollar for coffee and a donut.这是一元钱,是用来买咖啡和甜圈的。Thanks. Ok.Linda? Yes? Who's the host?谢谢。 那么,琳达? 什么是? 谁是主播?It's a secret. OK.这是个秘密。 好吧。Hi,Carol. Hello,Jake.嗨,卡罗。 你好,杰克。What's this? It's model.这是什么? 这是个模型。What's it for? It's for the show on cities.干什么用的? 这是用于“城市风貌”节目。Interesting.What's this?有意思。这是什么?It's the post office.This is the hotel.这是邮局,这是旅馆。Is there a restaurant in this town?这镇了有餐馆吗?There are a restaurant in this town.这个镇上有三家餐馆。Where are they?它们在哪儿?One restaurant is on the corner of Main Street and Park Lane.一家在主街和公园路的拐角处。What kind of restaurant is it?它是什么餐馆?It's a Chinese restaurant.它是中国餐馆。There's also a restaurant on Park Lane behind the bank.银行后面的公园路上也有一家餐馆。Is it a Chinese restaurant too?它也是一家中国餐馆吗?No,it isn't.不,它不是。What kind of restaurant is it?它是什么餐馆?It's Italian.是意大利餐馆。Is there a romantic French restaurant in this town?这镇上有没有一家拥有浪漫情调的法国西班牙餐馆?No,there isn't.不,没有。Is there a Spanish restaurant in this town?这镇上有没有一家西班牙餐馆?What kind of Spanish restaurant?什么样的西班牙餐馆?A beautiful Spanish restaurant.一家美丽的西班牙餐馆。Yes,there is.It's beautiful.是的,有。非常漂亮。Is the food good? Very good.饭菜好吗? 非常好。Is it romantic? Yes,it's romantic.浪漫吗? 是的,很浪漫。Where is this romantic restaurant,Carol?卡罗,这家浪漫的餐馆在哪儿?This way.On the corner of Main Street and Park Lane.这边。在主街和公园路的拐角处。Does Susan like Spanish food?苏珊喜欢西班牙菜吗?Susan?My name isn't Susan.My name is Carol,and I'm leaving!苏珊?我不叫苏珊。我叫卡罗,我要走了。Hi,Jake?Where's John?嗨,杰克?约翰在哪儿?John?He isn't here.约翰?他不在这儿。What's this?这是什么?It's a model for the show on cities. Oh,interesting.这是给“城市风貌”节目用的模型。 噢,有意思。There's a good Spanish restaurant in this town.这镇上有家很好的西班牙餐馆。That's nice. It's very romantic.好太好了。 它非常浪漫。Really?This restaurant?是吗?这家餐馆吗?Dinner?去吃晚饭吗?It isn't my kind of restaurant,Jake.No,thanks.不,杰克,谢谢。这不是我喜欢的那种餐馆。




