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有声阅读:To Walk a Landscape Is to Know It

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A long stay in the same surroundings and routine work often make one feel bored. But if you take a trip or a long journey, that will make great difference. The beauty of nature not only lies in the scenery but the memory of our past.


Comes over one an absolute necessity to move. And what is more, to move in some particular direction. A double necessity then: to get on the move, and to know whither." The unforgettable opening of D. H. Lawrence's "Sea and Sardinia," a work written in six weeks flat. "Why can't one sit still?" he asks.

Why can't one? For a million years we stalked elk, monkey, crab; we gathered nut, grub and leaf. We had to move to live. Then half a minute ago we stooped to sow seeds and the rest is history. Here we are, with the stock exchange, the Internet and the Hummer. Who wouldn't want to bust out, to taste the air of the open range, to "swagger the nut-strewn roads," as Philip Larkin put it, to be out in the weather, to feel the lay of the land vital beneath your boots? Travel is deep in the blood.

But we can still pull on pack and boot and head to the hills. Tread the coastal paths of Wales or Cornwall, say, where the day is one long rainbow of mist, crying gulls and sour heather, and evening brings a fishing harbor clustered in a cove, and a pub with a slate roof gleaming with sea spray, where pints may have been pouring for half a millennium and more. Or hike the Appalachian Trail, the Continental Divide — anyway travel with our own locomotion, and see close up what this planet has in it. Nothing brings satisfaction like that.

There are many reasons to have a holiday. Reculer pour mieux sauter, say the French: draw back the better to leap. We may want nothing but relaxation and rest. But as Sherlock Holmes knew, the best form of R&R is to do something different: a change is as good as a rest, if not better; and the best kind of change is to enter another world. And while all other cultures — like Lawrence's Sardinia — offer a different world, there's always the wilderness, the hills, nature, waiting for us just up the road, wherever we are. In the woods and hills we find not just nature, but our own past; we remember who we used to be, we rediscover our need not just to be outdoors but also to be of no fixed abode. Is it really enough to slide self and trolley bag into a steel cylinder to be ferried a thousand miles to loll on a sun lounger?
To be out under the sky on our own two feet awakens something older, more content within us, a wild creature inside itching to break out, who knows where to go to heal all ills.

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planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

mist [mist]


n. 雾,迷蒙,朦胧不清
vt. 使 ...

crab [kræb]


n. 蟹
v. 捕蟹,使横行

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

cylinder ['silində]


n. 汽缸,圆筒,圆柱体

loll [lɔl]


v. 懒洋洋地呆着、坐着或站着(常指倚着某物),松散地悬

sow [sau]


v. 播种,散布
n. 母猪, 大母熊,

routine [ru:'ti:n]


n. 例行公事,常规,无聊
adj. 常规的,

wilderness ['wildənis]


n. 荒野,荒地

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交





