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有声阅读:Unconditional Love is the Answer 只为爱,别无他求

来源:可可英语 编辑:jessica   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unconditional Love is the Answer


There was a time in my life I became afraid to love. Because all those times I fell in love, I got hurt. I thought maybe that's why it's called "falling" in love. I would give my all, loving deeply and wholeheartedly. Then somehow something would go wrong and my whole world would crash. Disappointment. Resentment. Anger. Pain.

Why? Can we not love without pain? Is disappointment really a price to pay for all the happiness we feel when we're in love? Should we blindly accept that because we love we get hurt? It was only after many years of soul-searching and internalizing inspirational writings that I discovered that I can love without getting hurt. I finally understood that unconditional love was the answer.

Accept that people express love in different ways. How do YOU express your love? You say "I love you" three times a day, you kiss and embrace him every chance you get, you never forget your anniversaries, and you always prepare his favorite dishes. How does HE express his love? He rarely says "I love you", he seldom kisses you, he forgets your birthday, and he doesn't even try to cook. But he works overtime, walks the dog, helps you with the laundry, takes you to the movies, and calls you "Honey". He probably loves you as much as you love him, he just shows it differently. If you can accept that difference then you can have a healthier perspective of your relationship.

Love without expecting anything in return. Now this is where pain comes in: when you demand something in return for the love you give. You are actually setting yourself up for disappointment because love cannot always be reciprocal. Love between two people can never be of the same intensity at the same time and place. No matter how much your partner loves you, she will never be able to fill all your needs all the time. And you are worst off if you believe you should love only when you are sure to receive equal love in return. Sad to say, you will be waiting in misery forever.
Love now. The past is gone and the future is just a dream. All of yesterday's aches and pains, even the joys and laughter, are mere memories. Let them go. And your fantasies and worries? They may never come. So why dwell on them? Live now. Give love now. Do it now and enjoy the moment. That is the secret of inner contentment.

Yes, you will say that unconditional love is easier said than done. Especially when we have always believed that love is give and take. Try believing that love is simply giving. They say "Give until it hurts". Let's say "Love until it hurts no more".

重点单词   查看全部解释    
setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

loathing ['ləuðiŋ]


n. 嫌恶 adj. 厌恶的 vt. 讨厌(loathe

fence [fens]


n. 栅栏,围墙,击剑术
n. 买卖赃物的人<

contentment [kən'tentmənt]


n. 满足,使人满足的事

intensity [in'tensiti]


n. 强烈,强度

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

laundry ['lɔ:ndri]


n. 洗衣店,要洗的衣服,洗衣

resentment [ri'zentmənt]


n. 怨恨,愤恨

disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

infection [in'fekʃən]


n. 传染,影响,传染病





