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洪恩环境英语第二册课文Lesson 2:Can you sail?

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Lesson 2 Can you sail? 你会驾驶帆船吗 Text Scene one:Susan's apartment 第一幕:苏珊的公寓 What are these? 这些是什么? They're my ideas for the weekend report. 这些是我周末报道的素材。 What's this? A horse. 这是什么?这是马啊。 I know that.Can you ride a horse? Well,yeah. 我知道.你会骑马吗? 嗯,会的。 What? Yes,I can ride a horse. Can you? 什么?是的,我会骑马.你会吗? No,I can't ride very well. 不,我骑得不太好。 Can Jake ride? 杰克会骑马吗? Yes,he can. He looks great in riding clothes. 会,他会,他穿着骑马服看起来很帅。 What a shame! Why? 太可惜了! 为什么? I want to do stories without Jake. 我想做一个没杰克参与的节目。 Is there anything wrong with that? No. 有什么不对吗?没什么不对。 I don't want to stay at WEFL forever. I undestand. 我不想永远呆在WEFL。 我理解。 I need to do stories alone. Me too. 我想自己做节目。 我也想。 Jake always looks great inside the studio. 杰克在演播室里看起来总是很棒。 But outside the studio,he isn't good with real people. 但是离开演播室,他在生活中与人相处得不好. Exactly. I'm usually good outside the studio with real people. 确实是这样.我总是能和生活中的人相处得很好. You're right. 你说得对。 What's a good weekend report? 什么是优秀的周末报道? What can you do? 你会做什么? I can sing.(SINGING) Oh,my darlin',oh,my darlin',oh... 我会唱歌.(唱起来.)哦,亲爱的,哦,亲爱的,哦... Can you water-ski? No,I can't. 你会滑冰吗? 不,我不会. Can you swim? Yes.I'm a good swimmer. 你会游泳吗? 会.我游泳游得很好. It's not a very good sport for television. 这个体育项目不适合在电视上做. Can you sail? 你会驾驶帆船吗? Yes.Yes,I can sail very well! 我会.对呀,我帆船开得很好! Maybe you can do a weekend report about sailing. 或许你可以做个有关帆船运动的周末报道. There's a race next weekend. 下周有一个帆船竞赛. It's a good news story and a good wekkend report. 这是一个很好的新闻题材,也是一个很周末报道. That's a good idea.Can you sail? No,I can't. 这是个好主意.你会驾驶帆船吗? 不,我不会. Can Jake sail? Susan,forget Jake. I can't. 杰克会吗? 苏珊,别老提杰克. 我做不好. Scene Two: The WEFL Studio OK,Jake. Take one. 第二幕: WEFL 演播室 好的,杰克,开始. Welcome to "The Weekend Report." I'm Jake Seltzer. 欢迎你收看"周末报道".杰克.萨尔茨为你报道. Every kid in America can play baseball. They start here. 每个美国的小孩都会报棒球,他们从这里开始. And boy,they can hit that ball! 哇! 他们能击中球. Coming up:a report on America's favorite sport. 接下来将要报道的是:在美国最爱欢迎的运动. This is the end of lesson 2

重点单词   查看全部解释    
baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景






