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可可早间课堂第64期:If S had done, S should have done.

来源:可可英语 编辑:Ballet   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Morning!I am Juliet. Nice to meet you on the air. Hope we could spend a wonderful morning together. An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening.

一天之计在于晨,若您有个美好的晨间生活,相信您一天的生活都是美好的。A hard beginning makes a good ending. 常言道:善始善终。


Last time we learned a sentence pattern: If S + had done, S+would have done. 该句式表示对过去发生的事情的一种假设,句中所说的事情与过去的实际情况相反。


1 如果早点动身我们就可以赶上巴士了。

If I had left sooner, I would have caught the bus.

【点评】1 该句言外之意就是:I didn't leave sooner and I wouldn't catch the bus. 2 该句子中有个“了”字,凭借语感我们就可以知道“没有早点动身”和“没有赶上巴士”这2个动作已经过去了。

2 我要是Nacy的话,我当时就立即走。

If I had been Nancy, I would have left at once then.

【点评】1 该句言外之意就是:I wasn't Nancy and I wouldn't leave at once then. 2 此句中有个很明显的时间状“当时”,一读句子凭借语感就知道这事儿已经发生过了,“我不是Nancy”这一状态和“Nancy当时没走”这个动作已经过去了。

3 如果当时你处于我的位置,你怎么办?
What would you have said if you has been my position at that moment?

【点评】1 此句言外之意就是:you wouldn't know how to deal with this matter as you weren't in my position. 2 此句话有个很明显的时间状语“当时”,一读句子凭借语感我们就知道这件事情已经发生过了,“你不知道如何处理矛盾”和“你不是处于我的位置”这2个动作都过去了。

4 如果我那时想起了那事儿,我会像母亲提及的。

I would have told it to my mother if I had thought of that.

【点评】1 此句话言外之意就是:I didn't think if that and I wouldn't tell it to my mother.2 该句中有个很明显的时间状语“那时”,一读句子凭借语感就知道“我没有提及”和“我没有想起”这2个动作都过去了。

5 倘若我以前手头不是那么拮据的话,我就不会那么做了。

I wouldn't have done it like that if I hadn't been so hard up.

【点评】1 此句话言外之意就是:I did it like that as I was so hard up before.2 该句中很明显有个时间状语“以前”就表示这事情发生在以前,“我手头拮据”这个状态和“我那样做了”这个动作已经发生过去了。







