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可可早间课堂第95期:One's idea is that S ( should

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Last time we talked about some short sentences including idea are widely used in our daily conversations. And today I will talk about some idioms which are used in a foreigner's daily speech . 在上一期中我们谈到了含有idea的一些广泛用于日常会话中的短句,今天了,我将给大家讲解一些含有idea这个词的习语,也就是老外的街头语。Let's get started. (备注:以下的例句中有下划线的短语会再录音中附带讲解。)

1 I have no idea.

{情景}您或许是个博学人士,无数学者会虚心向您请教问题,但是一个人不可能知晓天下事儿,因此在您遇到您的粉丝们的提问而回答不出时,您可以坦白地说:“{例句} That 's a good question. You really beat me! I'm sorry that I have no idea about it. ”这是个好问题,您可真把我难倒了。非常抱歉我不知道这个问题的答案。{释义}In this sentence, " I have no idea " means "I don't know."

2 Not have the faintest idea (not have the first idea)

{情景}您经常跟别人开玩笑地说您是个英语博士,当别人问到您问题时,您根本就不知道,{例句} 这时您可以这样说:“ I just play a trick on you. In truth English is all Greek to me and I don't have the faintest idea how to work it out.” 我平时是跟你开玩笑的。其实,我对英语一窍不通,我根本就回答不上你的问题。{释义} In this sentence, "not have the faintest idea" is used to emphasize that you don't know something at all. 在这句话中,用于强调根本就不知道某事。译为:完全不知,一窍不通。{即学即用}除老板外,各人挣多少钱就连同一办公室的同事也搞不大清楚。People at the same office don't have the first idea how much each person earns, except the boss. 你为什么也对这个问题一窍不通呢? How come you didn't have the faintest idea about it either? 林小姐一点主意也没有,寿生说一句,她就点一下头。 ——《林家铺子》 Miss Lin didn't have the faintest idea what to do. She agreed with everything Shousheng said.

3 Have the right idea

{情景} 在现在的市场经济社会,您大可尝试不同的方式挣钱养家糊口,觉得帮别人打工挣钱总是被剥削,或许您可以这样想——自己当老板,自己给自己发钱,开个网吧,餐馆之类的。当您财源滚滚时,{例句} 您的朋友肯定会称赞到:“Hey! Guy ! You have the right idea that you have run a computer club yourself ! ”嘿,小子,你自己开个网吧可真走对路了!{释义} In this sentence, we can see that " have the right idea " means" have found a very good or successful way of living or doing something". 此外,have the right idea 可以说为:get the right idea. {即学即用} 他想通了——打算55岁退休。He has certainly had ( got ) the right idea——retiring at 55.

4 That's an idea!

{情景} 今日阳光和煦,微风徐徐,一改昨日的闷热,此时您或许会想给自己疲惫的心灵放个假,{例句} 建议大家开着车到乡村喘口气:“I suggest that we should spend our weekend in the countryside.”和您一样劳累的同事一定赞同:“That's an idea! Hit the road right away! Enjoy ourselves! Blow off some steam! ”好主意!咱们赶快上路吧!享受生活!释放压力!{释义} In this sentence, " That's an idea!" is used to reply in a positive way to a suggestion that somebody has made. 用于赞同某人的建议。译为:“好主意!”。{即学即用} 嘿!好主意!我们还可以请一支乐队。Hey! That's an idea! And we could get a band as well.

5 That's the idea.

{情景} 您的能力非凡,是公司老总的左右手,每次圆滑地为老总解围,{例句} 老总定就会说这句话:“That's the idea.”干得好! {释义} In this sentence, "That's the idea." is used to encourage people and tell them they are doing something right. “That's the idea!”用于鼓励人们并告诉他们做得对。{即学即用} 对啦!做得对!That's the idea! You are doing fine.

6 You have no idea...

{情景} 原来被别人看不起的您现在时权钱在手,不知招来多少人眼红,您会体贴周到地安慰他们:“{例句} That's no big deal. You have no idea how hard I spent those hard times! I would rather that I had led a life like you.”这没什么的。你无法想象我所走过的那些岁月是多么地艰辛。我倒是宁愿过您这样的生活。{释义} In this sentence, "You have no idea..." is used to show that something is hard for somebody else to imagine. 译为:你无法想象......。

7 give somebody ideas ( put ideas into somebody's head )

{情景} 您总会有很多不切实际的想法,您的母亲一定会对您说这句话:“{例句} Who have given you ideas? ”这是谁使得你想入非非的?{释义} In this sentence, "give somebody ideas' means "give somebody hopes about something that may not possible or likely " or means" make somebody act in a unreasonable way". 译为:空想,想入非非。{即学即用} 他是个不切实际的人,一点小小的成功就会使他想入非非。 He is not a practical person, a little success will put ideas into his head. 上大学使她产生了不切实际的奢望,认为她可解决每个人的问题。Going to university has put ideas into her head--she thinks now she's got the answers to everyone's problems. (The End)

That's enough for our programme this morning. Thank you for your listening. See you next time! 这里是可可英语晨间7:00档英语课堂。我是Juliet。若您对今早的课程有任何疑惑不妨加入可可英语早间课堂QQ交流群,群号:122863543. 或是以邮件形式将您的疑惑发送到我信箱,我会在第一时间为您解决疑惑。感谢您的收听,下次再会。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

emphasize ['emfəsaiz]


vt. 强调,着重

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

unreasonable [ʌn'ri:znəbl]


adj. 不合理的,过度的,不切实际的

retiring [ri'taiəriŋ]


adj. 腼腆的,隐居的,不喜社交的 动词retire的





