首先,let's warm up。我们先来热热身,进入我们的“Review”环节。昨天我们学了一个非常有趣的表示一个人心绪不好,情绪不佳的说法,您还记得吗?它是:get up on the wrong side of the bed.
那么今天我就来看看它在我们生活中的运用。人们的日常生活中时时会出现这样的情形:觉没睡够,或者得重感冒了,或是半夜闹肚子,也可能早上醒来就是有件特别让你烦恼的事儿压在心头。这一来你这一整天都会情绪不佳,而且你对周围人的态度也变得急躁了。这时就可以用get up on the wrong side of the bed来描述这种整天情绪不佳的状况。事实上你并没有真的从错的一边下床。
Let's look at the example sentences. 1 My friend Louis was not acting like himself today. If you were to ask me, I'd say he got up on the wrong side of the bed. 我的朋友Louis今天的行为不对劲,跟往常不一样。如果你问到我的话,我只能说他今天心烦意乱而已。2 She must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed today because she has shouted at everyone in the office. 他今天一定是心情不好,所以她对办公室的每一个人都发火大吼。
“Get up on the wrong side of the bed”还可以说为:wake up on the wrong side of the bed。Look at the example sentences: 1 Man, I had such a bad day at work. I blame myself for waking up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. 天啊,我一整天的工作糟透了,我责怪自己今天得了“起床病”。2 You are so cranky this morning and you must wake up on the wrong side of the bed. 你今早很古怪,你一定是情绪不好吧。
“Get up on the wrong side of the bed”还可以说为:“get out of bed on the wrong side”。Look at the example sentences: 1 Therefore you may get out of the bed on the wrong side and flash out. 所以你可能会变得暴躁并且勃然大怒。2 She seems to get out of bed on the wrong side. 她今天看起来好像情绪不佳。
在今天的课堂上。我们学了“get up on the wrong side of the bed”使用的情景以及它的2个同义的说法。这2个说法是:get out of bed on the wrong side 和 wake up on the wrong side of the bed。
此外,我们可以从以上例句中积累一下实用的短语:1 flash out 意思是:勃然大怒。For example: She flashed out at a stupid remark. 她为了别人说一句愚蠢的话而勃然大怒。2 have a bad day 意思是:这天不顺心如意,at work 意思是:在工作,上班,have a bad day at work 意思是:这天上班不如意,不顺心。For example:If you have had a bad day at work, there's no need to take it out of your wife when you get home. 如果你一天工作不顺心,回到家里也无需拿你老婆出气。3 act like oneself 意思是:做起事来像某人一贯的样子。I don't think there was something wrong with him. He acted like himself today. 我认为他今天没有什么不对劲呀,他的行为还是同以往一样。4 blame somebody for doing something意思是:因为(某人)做某件事而责怪某人。You asked for it. I can't blame them for doing it. 你是自讨苦吃。我不能怪他们这样做。