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时间:2011-11-21 10:29:07 来源:scientificamerican 编辑:beck  每天三分钟英语轻松学

Einstein, Newton and many other legendary scientists did groundbreaking work in their 20s. But if your hair has gone gray and no Nobel seems likely, don’t fret just yet. Because the age at which Nobel-winning work gets done has been going up. So says a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Benjamin F. Jones and Bruce A. Weinberg, "Age dynamics in scientific creativity"]

爱因斯坦,牛顿,还有许多传奇的科学家们大多都是在20几岁完成了他们的创举。但如果当你头发花白的时候仍旧没有获得诺贝尔奖的可能,也不要沮丧。因为诺奖得主的年龄也越来越大了。《美国国家科学院院刊》一篇文章是这么说的[Benjamin F. Jones and Bruce A. Weinberg,《年龄对科学创造力的影响》]

Researchers analyzed 525 science Nobel Prize?winners from 1901 to 2008. In the small sample before 1905, about two-thirds of Nobel winners did their major work before age 40. But by 2000 most laureates did their cited work after age 40.

研究员分析了从1901~2008年的525位诺贝尔奖得主。在仅有的一些1905年以前的被研究者中 ,大约三分之二的诺奖得主在40岁前完成他们的主要工作。但是到2000年,大多数得主都在40岁以后完成他们的研究的。

The entire field of quantum mechanics was predominantly a young man’s game—which meant that as late as 1934, more than three-quarters of physics prizes were for work done by people under 40. But the more mature researchers have steadily increased their catch since then.


The study authors note that a shift from theoretical to experimental work can account for some of the age change. It also takes longer to educate and train new contributors to now-mature fields. So keep plugging. Unlike the youthful Archimedes, your “eureka” moment may come in a bathtub with safety bars.

研究者发现这可能与科研人员从理论研究转向实验研究有关。而且如今需要用更多的时间来教育和培训一个在日趋成熟的领域的科学家。 所以继续努力吧。或许不像年轻的阿基米德, 你的“终于找到了!”的美好时刻或许可能就是当你在浴缸里时突然显现。


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