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时间:2011-11-28 10:20:41 来源:scientificamerican 编辑:beck  每天三分钟英语轻松学

I've always thought that when I get a fever, it's my body trying to make things uncomfortable for the invading pathogen. And that's often true—higher temperatures can inhibit the bad guys' ability to replicate. But my fever may actually be a one-two-punch. In addition to slowing down the invader, the heat helps the immune system recruit more troops for a counter-attack. That finding appears in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology. [Thomas A. Mace et al, Differentiation of CD8+ T cells into effector cells is enhanced by physiological range hyperthermia]

我很早就知道,发烧的时候,其实是我的身体正在对入侵的病原体做出抵抗。这是事实---高温可以抑制坏病菌复制的能力。但发烧更是一个组合打击。除了减缓病原体的入侵,高温可以帮助免疫系统召集更多的部队做出抵抗。这一研究发表在《白细胞生物学杂志》[Thomas A. Mace et al, Differentiation of CD8+ T cells into effector cells is enhanced by physiological range hyperthermia].

Researchers warmed up one group of mice to body temperatures of about 103 degrees Fahrenheit. They left another group at normal core temperature—about the same as ours. Then they injected both groups of mice with an antigen, a substance that attracts the attention of the immune system.


Blood samples taken three days later revealed that the feverish mice had nearly twice as many killer T-cells: the kind of immune cells that can hunt down infected cells or tumor cells, and slaughter them.


So when you're sick and you get the chills, the authors say, your body may be trying to tell you to hop under some blankets. Lie down, warm up and send a message. The heat is on.


pathogen n. 病菌, 病原体 recruit v.征募 slow down 减缓 antigen n. 抗原 slaughter v.消灭


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