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全球社会热点新闻报道 第6期:男士胸罩和比基尼

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Who said bras and bikinis are only for women?

A Japanese online lingerie retailer is selling bras forcross-dressing men and they’ve quickly become one of its most popular items.
为满足一些爱穿异性服装的男性顾客的需要,日本一家网上内衣店不久前推出了一款男士胸 罩,而且一上市就成为热销品。
Since launching two weeks ago on Rakuten, a major Japanese web shopping mall, the Wish-room shop has sold over 300 men's bras for 2,800 yen ($ 30) each. The shop also stocks men’s panties, as well as lingerie for women.
这款胸罩售价2800日元(合30美元),自Wishroom内衣店在曰本“乐天”大型网上购物商城推出 这款胸罩两周来,已售出300多件。除男士胸罩外,这家店铺还出售男士短裤和女士内衣。
“I like this tight feeling. It feels good,,,Wishroom representative Masayuki Tsuchiya told reporters as he modeled the bra, which can be worn discreetly under men’s clothing.
这款胸罩可以贴身穿。Wishroom店铺的销售代表谷正之边试 穿边接受记者采访说广我喜欢这种紧绷的感觉,很舒服。”
Wishroom Executive Director Akiko Okunomiya said she was surprised at the number of men who were looking for their inner woman.
Wishroom的执行董事奥宫明子称,她为居然有这么多男性在 寻求自己潜在的女性美感到诧异。


“I think more and more men are becoming interested in bras. Since we launched the men’s bra, we’ve been getting feedback from customers saying ‘wow,we’d been waiting for this for such a long time,,” she said.

她说现在越来越多的男士对胸罩感兴趣。我们推出这款胸罩 后一些顾客反馈说:哇,我们已经等了很久了。
But the bra, available in black, pink and white, is not an easy sell for all men.
目前这款胸罩有黑、粉、白三种颜色。但并不是所有男士对此都 有兴趣。
The underwear has stirred a heated debate online with more than 8,000 people debating the merits of men wearing bras in one night on Mixi, Japan’s top social network website.
这款男士胸罩已在网上引发了热议。在日本最大的社交网站 Mixi上,仅一晚上就有8000多人参与讨论男士该不该戴胸罩这个 话题。
As to men’s bikini, it has a longer history, and is quite different from men’s bras.
至于男士比基尼则有着更长的历史,并且和男士胸罩有很大 不同。
The term men’s bikini is used to describe types of men's swimsuits, men’s underwear, or similar garments. Men’s bikinis can have high or low side panels, string sides or tie sides, and most lack a button or flap front. Many do not have a visible waistband like briefs. Suits less than 1.5 inches wide at the hips are less common for sporting purposes and are most often worn for recreation, fashion, and sun tanning. An example of this style, known as the posing brief, is the standard for competitions in the sport of bodybuilding. Male punk rock musicians have performed on the stage wearing women’s bikini briefs. The 2000 Bollywood film Hera Pheri shows men sunbathing in bikinis, who were mistakenly believed to be girls from a distance by the protagonist.
男士比基尼指的是男士泳衣、男士内衣或者类似的服装。男士 比基尼的侧面或髙或低,呈带子式或T字型,而且大多数后面没有 布料或平坦的正面。很多没有像内裤一样可视的腰带。宽度小于1.5 英寸的臀部服装很少用于运动,但常见于休闲、时尚和太阳浴中。标 准健美比赛中使用的展示内裤就是这种比基尼的一种。男子庞克摇 滚音乐家已经穿着女式比基尼内裤登台表演了。宝莱坞公司2000年 推出的电影《赫拉.费力》里就有男子穿着比基尼晒太阳的镜头,这些人被远处的主人公误认为是女人。
Swimsuits shown in men’s wear collections by Giorgio Armani, Dolce & Gabbana or Paul Smith have tended to be black and snug fitting, throwbacks to the designs of the 1930s and 40s,while Gianni Versace’s ads with their heroic depictions of Miami bathers in contrast to popular, sports-inspired beach wear~bright and baggy Bermudas or boxer shorts. The Greek designer Nikos Apostolopoulos put a different spin on his bathing suits (for both sexes, but with the focus on tiie male), making them anatomical creations, cut and stitched to outline the body and its sexual characteristics.
在乔治亚.阿玛尼、多尔切、加巴纳或保罗_史密斯的脤装系列中,泳裤的趋势是黑色、贴 身,回到了20世纪三四十年代的风格。而在吉安尼范思哲的广吿中,泳裤则被推绘成和流行的、 激起运动激情的海滩装(闪亮宽大的百慕大短裤或拳击手短裤)形成鲜明对比的迈阿密日光浴者 装备。希腊设计师Nikos Apostolopoulosft他的泳装上做了不同的转变(男女都有,但集中在男性 上),使得它们更符合人体在解剖学上的曲线’展示出其性感的魅力。
Traditionally in the past, general society did not accept men wearing bikinis at public beaches or swimming pools. However, as with the women’s liberty movement, it is becoming more accepted for men to wear more revealing swimsuits at public locations. Men can now be seen wearing bikinis, thongs, and g-strings at pools and beaches throughout the world; however, it is still less popular in the United States than in Europe where men have been wearing bikinis for decades. Bikini tops for men are seen as an amusement factor
过去,社会大众历来不接受男人在公共海滩或游泳池穿比基尼。但是,随着妇女解放运动的发 展,男子在公共场所穿更暴露的泳装正变得越来越为人们所接受。如今在世界各地的游泳池里和 海滩上都可以看到男人穿着比基尼、拖鞋和内裤。但它们在美国不如在欧洲流行。男士比基尼在欧 洲已经被穿了几十年。比基尼对男士来说最重要的作用是娱乐。
Hence, it’s clear to us that men’s bras and bikinis are designed for different purpose. Man who wears men’s bra is transvestism, while man who wears men’s bikini is not.
因此,我们可以清楚地知道男士胸罩和男士比基尼的设计初衷是不同的。穿男士胸罩的男人 有异装癖,而穿男士比基尼的男人都没有。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
revealing [ri'vi:liŋ]


adj. 有启迪作用的,透露内情的,袒露身体的 动词re

network ['netwə:k]


n. 网络,网状物,网状系统
vt. (

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

anatomical [,ænə'tɔmikəl]


adj. 解剖的;解剖学的;结构上的

contrast ['kɔntræst,kən'træst]


n. 差别,对比,对照物
v. 对比,成对照<

protagonist [prəu'tægənist]


n. 主演,主角,主唱者

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

string [striŋ]


n. 线,一串,字串
vt. 串起,成串,收紧





