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Listen to this 2 英语初级听力(MP3+字幕) 第10课(4)

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Task 2. Eccentricity.
Dr Jones, how exactly would you define eccentricity?

Well, we all have our own particular habits which others find irritating or amusing,
but an eccentric is someone who behaves in a totally different manner from those in the society in which he lives.

When you talk about eccentricity, are you referring mainly to matters of appearance?

Not specifically, no.

There are many other ways in which eccentricity is displayed.

For instance, some individuals like to leave their mark on this earth with bizarre buildings.

Others have the craziest desires which influence their whole way of life.

Can you give me an example?

Certainly, one that immediately springs to mind was a Victorian surgeon by the name of Buckland.

Being a great animal lover, he used to share his house openly with the strangest creatures, including snakes, bears, rats, monkeys and eagles.

That must've been quite dangerous at times.

It was, particularly for visitors who weren't used to having pets, for want of a better word in the house.

They used to get bitten or even attacked.

And the good doctor was so interested in the animals that he couldn't resist the temptation to sample them as food.

So guests who came to dinner had to be prepared for a most unusual menu, mice on toast, roast giraffe.

Once he even tried to make soup from elephant's truck.

Strangly, though, his visitors seemed to go back for more.

They must've had very strong stomachs, that's all I can say.

Dr Jones, what particular kind of eccentric are you most interested in from a psychologist's point of view?

I think they are all fascinating, of course, but on the whole, I'd say it's the hermit that I find most intriguing, the type who cuts himself off from the world.

Does one of these stand out in your mind at all?

Yes, I suppose this century has produced one of the most famous ones, the American billionaire, Howard Hughes.

But he wasn't a recluse all his life, was he?

That's correct. In fact, he was just the opposite in his younger days.

He was a rich young man who loved the Hollywood society of his day.

But he began to disappear for long periods when he grew tried of high living.

Finally, nobody was allowed to touch his food and he would wrap his hand in a tissue before picking anything up.

He didn't even allow a barber to go near him too often.

And his hair and beard grew down to his waist.

Did he live completely alone? No, that was the strangest thing.

He always stayed in luxury hotels with a group of servants to take care of him.

He used to spend his days locked up in a penthouse suite watching adventure films over and over again and often eating nothing but ice-cream and chocolate bars.

It sounds a very sad story.

It does, but as you said earlier, life wouldn't be the same without characters like him, would it?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
luxury ['lʌkʃəri]


n. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品

bizarre [bi'zɑ:]


adj. 奇异的,怪诞的
n. 奇异花

tissue ['tiʃu:]


n. (生物的)组织,织物,薄绢,纸巾

resist [ri'zist]


v. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住
n. 防蚀涂层

sample ['sæmpl]


n. 样品,样本
vt. 采样,取样

surgeon ['sə:dʒən]


n. 外科医生

define [di'fain]


v. 定义,解释,限定,规定

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

intriguing [in'tri:giŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,有趣的 vbl. 密谋,私通

waist [weist]


n. 腰,腰部





