20 years after Franklin's experiment,
Another kind of revolution rocks America.
An isolated rebellion in a New England lumber yard Will erupt into war.
新英格兰木材厂的独立反抗 成了战争爆发的导火索
That drive for self-determination,that drive to control their own destiny,
民族自决的驱使 自我命运的掌控
that drive to control their own economy,overcame all fear.
自我经济的独立 这些动力让人们战胜了所有恐惧
New hampshire, 1772.Millionaire Ebenezer Mudgett.
在1772年的新罕布什尔州 百万富翁埃比尼泽·马杰特
Determined, rebellious.A self-made tycoon.
是一个有主见和反叛精神 白手起家的大亨
He's made his fortune From mankind's first and oldest great resource:Wood.
The key to our lives since the dawn of man.
从人类诞生之日起 木材就是生存的关键
The vast forests that once haunted the dreams
Of America's settlers Are now their greatest source of profit.
大片森林 现在成了最大的利润来源
950 million acres, over 50 billion trees.
And the king of England believes the best belong to him.
A third of all British ships are built in New England.
One war ship uses 6,000 trees,And costs the equivalent of a modern aircraft carrier.
一艘战船可用掉六千棵树 其造价等同于现代制造一艘航空母舰的费用
You are gonna maintain that kind of maritime trade
and exploration and acquisition of new colonies,
you better darn well have the resources that allow you to keep that Navy intact.
就得整补资源 以保持舰船完整