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化学秘密(MP3+中英字幕) 第3期:崭新的开始(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


'And if something's not safe,then of course we'll change it,'mary Carter said.David Wilson looked at her,but he didn't say anything.

'Yes,I see,'John began nervously.'Well,I think I could do that.I mean,when I worked for Harper Chemicals in Lon-don I…'He talked for two or three minutes about his work.David Wilson listened,but he didn't say anything.Ihen he smiled.It was a cold,hard smile,and it made John feel un-comfortable.He remembered his old suit and grey hair,and he wished he hadn't come.
'You really need this job,don't you,Mr Duncan?'david Wilson said.'You need it a lot.'
'Yes,I do,'he said quietly.But he thought:I hate you,Wilson.You're enjoying this.You like making people feel small.I hate people like you.
Wilson's smile grew bigger.He stood up, and held out his hand.'OK,'he said.'When can you start?'
'What?'John was very surprised.'What did you say?'
'I said,“When can you start?”,Mr Duncan.We need you in our factory as soon as possible.Will Monday be OK?'
'You mean I've got the job?'
'Of course.Congratulations!'Wilson shook John's hand.'My secretary will tell you about your pay.You'll have your own office,and a company car,of course.I'd like you to start work with Mary on Monday.Is that OK?'
'I…Yes,yes,of course.That's fine.Thank you,thank you very much.'




