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化学秘密(MP3+中英字幕) 第8期:富人(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


'Oh yes.'the doctor began to write something on a piece of paper.'Put this on night and morning,and the pain will go in a day or two.But I'm afraid the skin there will stay red for a year or two.They're nasty chemicals,Mr Duncan,you know.'

'Yes,I know.'John smiled at him.'But don't worry,Doctor,we're very careful with them in the factory.No one can go near them without special safe clothing.You can come and see if you like.'
'I'm very pleased to hear it,'said the doctor.He gave the piece of paper to John.
'Thank you,'said John.He went towards the door.
'Mr Duncan?'
'Yes?'John looked back,surprised.
'Where do these waste products go,when the factory has finished with them?Into the river?'
'Well,yes,of course,'said John.'But it's all right,you know,'he added quickly.'It's very carefully checked,all the time.It's a big river,and we only produce a few hundred litres of the waste products a day.And we're only two kilo-metres from the sea,after all.'
'Good,'said the doctor.'I wouldn't want anyone to drink those waste products,that's all.'
'They won't,doctor,'said John.'All the drinking water comes out of the river five kilometres upstream,you know that.Who's going to drink salt water from the river mouth,for heaven's sake?Chemists from London have checked it,too,you know,and our company lawyers know all about it.So it's not dangerous and we're not doing anything wrong.Don't worry about it.'




