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化学秘密(MP3+中英字幕) 第15期:报告(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


'Look,John,'he said.'Your report says that we should build some new machines to clean up the waste products before they go into the river, right?And those machines will cost two million pounds!Where do you think we can find all that?Money doesn't grow on trees,you know!'

'No,of course not.'John's mouth was dry.He took a drink of water,and felt his hand shaking.'But we're selling a lot of the new paint.We're making millions of pounds every month from that,aren't we?'
'We're doing very well, yes,'said Wilson.'But if we spend two million pounds to build these new machines,the paint will have to cost more, and we won't sell so much.'
'But—we've got to do it,'said John.'These waste prod-ucts are much more dangerous than I'd thought.Didn't you read that in my report?When I put the chemicals in rats'drinking water,some of the baby rats were born without eyes and ears. One didn't have any legs, and one had six.'He shivered.'And some were born without legs when they drank only two parts per million.We can't put those chemicals in the river.'
'Of course I read that,John.I read your report very care-fully indeed.And your report also says that on most days we put less than two parts per million into the river.No,wait,listen to me for a minute!We both know that no drinking wa-ter comes out of this part of the river,don't we? And in two kilometres the river goes out into the sea.So why is it danger-ous?Nobody is ever going to drink it,John!We don't need to build these new machines!'




