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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

So tell everybody what this one is about. This-- OK. Yeah.

告诉大家这一部是关于什么的 好 嗯
As the official spokesperson of the plotline--
Pitch Perfect 3 is the Bellas having what's called a quarter life crisis, which is apparently a thing now with the young people.
《完美音调3》中贝拉姐妹遇到了青年危机 这在现在的年轻人中很常见
So sad. And we've graduated college and we are out in the world doing all different things.
很悲哀 我们大学毕业了 进入社会做着各自的工作
And we realize, like, aw, our lives aren't going the way we hoped.
然后我们意识到 我们的生活不是我们想要的样子
So Aubrey's dad is in the military and invites us all to reunite to go on to USO tour to just support the troops and entertain them all around Europe.
奥布里的爸爸在军队里 他邀请我们重新聚在一起 在欧洲进行美国劳军联合组织巡演 支持他们 给他们提供娱乐活动
So that's what the Bellas do in the third movie. And there's other surprises that happen-- Yeah. Maybe .
这就是第三部里贝拉姐妹所做的事情 里面还有惊喜 嗯 对
There's a scene where y'all are in the water.
And I'm wondering because I think how many takes you have to do for things like that and how long.
我在想你们得拍多少次 要花多长时间去做那个呢


How long were you-- It was a couple day, right? Yeah.

你们待了多久—几天吧 是吗?是
Like four days or something? Four days in the water? shooting.
大概四天吧 在水里待了四天?拍摄
There was a massive water tank. We're supposed to be in the ocean.
那是一个很大的水箱 我们应该是在海洋里的
So they built this massive-- that is us being amazing and professional. Yay. Was it cold?
所以他们建了这个超大的 那就是我们 又棒又专业 耶 冷吗?
It was colder outside of the water. So we decided to stay in the water between takes and just--
在水外面更冷 所以拍摄间隙我们都待在水里
Yeah. Have a pool party. Just in our clothes. And nothing like a big tank of water to turn you bougie really quickly.
对 来个泳池派对 只不过是穿着衣服的 没有什么比一大箱水更能刺激你的便意了
Yeah. Rebel got-- It's just like a giant jacuzzi. And sometimes we had drinks. And we were just floating around.
嗯 里贝尔 那就像个巨大的按摩浴缸 有时候我们还会喝饮料 到处漂着
Not like alcoholic drinks. Who drinks the most here? Let's just be clear. Oh God. Brittany.
无酒精饮料 你们谁最爱喝酒?说明白点 哦 天啊
Oh my god. Oh good. I'm glad it wasn't me. I thought you were going to say me.
天哪 天啊 很高兴不是我 我还以为你们要说是我呢
I mean I guess? You drink responsibly. She is a one woman party. Yeah.
我觉得?你喝酒很有分寸 她喜欢派对 嗯
I like to party. But it's not that I'm crazy? No. No. My parents are so, so sad right now. It's the perfect amount.
我喜欢参加派对 但还没有那么痴迷吧?不 不 我父母现在肯定难过死了 酒量把握得很好
It's the perfect amount. It's just more than them.
酒量很完美 只不过是比她们多而已
Well also, if you had a problem, we wouldn't have said that. Yeah. No.
就算你有饮酒问题 我们也不会说的 对啊 不说
This is a my intervention. Yeah. That's why you're here.
这就是我的互动 对 你来这儿就是为了这一部分
Rebel, so the premiere was in Australia. Right? Yes. What part?
里贝尔 首映在澳大利亚 是吗?对 哪个地方
Sydney, my hometown. Your hometown. And you brought how many people to the premiere? Just like an easy 200.
悉尼 我家乡 你家乡 你带了多少人去首映现场?差不多200人吧
You really did, didn't you?
你真带了 不是吗
Basically it was just a premiere for my family and friends who believe that they are entitled to the world premiere down under.
基本上这首映就是为我家人和朋友准备的 他们觉得自己有资格去澳大利亚的全球首映
And it was awesome. My grandpa got out of hospital just to come. Yeah.
太棒了 我爷爷为了去首映都从医院出来了 嗯
And my grandma came on her walking frame. Aw.
我奶奶拄着助行架就去了 嗷
They love the movies. And my mom-well, I had to ban her a bit.
他们很喜欢这电影 我妈妈 额 我得克制着她点
We call her the Mamarazzi because she likes to stand on the red carpet and take pictures of me with the other paparazzi.
我们叫她Mamarazzi 因为她喜欢站在红毯上拍我和其他狗仔队的照片
Yeah. They just loved it because it's so joyful. And it's for the holidays. And--
对 他们超爱这电影 因为它很欢喜 专为假期定制
Very, very funny movie. Very funny. Is this going to be-- because it keeps-- you think there's not going to be another one.
而且非常非常有趣 会有 因为经常 你觉得不会有下一部了
And then you come up with another idea. Is this the last one? Or will you have another?
但是你忽然又有了一个点子 这是最后一部吗?还是说会有下一部?
Because they're hugely successful. I mean we don't know. I don't want to say goodbye.
这电影超级成功 我们不知道 我不想就这样结束了
I'm in denial that this the last one. I know. Yeah. I feel like it is.
我拒绝这是最后一部 我知道 对 我感觉
It is a good-like, if it is the ending, we tried to make it's satisfying and cathartic.
它很好 如果到结局了 我们会让它很完满 宣泄出人们的情感
And it was certainly really emotional for us because we don't know.
It's not up to us if there's any more. We would do them forever. Right.
我们无法决定这是不是最后一部 但我们会一直演下去的 对
But we hope that, if it is the last one, we tried to make it-- Yeah. It's funny.
我们希望 这不是最后一部 我们努力让它 嗯 很有趣
It's going to do-- it's huge. It's going to be huge. It really will. Thanks.
它会 超火爆的 绝对会很火爆 真的会的 谢谢
I mean that's what people need right now, this holiday season, is to go and laugh and feel good.
人们现在就需要这个 马上到假期了 人们需要开心快乐的东西

重点单词   查看全部解释    
professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

entitled [in'taitld]


adj. 有资格的,已被命名的 动词entitle的过去

pitch [pitʃ]


n. 沥青,树脂,松脂
n. 程度,投掷,球场

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

tank [tæŋk]


n. 坦克,箱,罐,槽,贮水池
vt. 把 .

entertain [.entə'tein]


v. 娱乐,招待,怀抱

emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的

denial [di'naiəl]


n. 否认,拒绝

intervention [.intə'venʃən]


n. 插入,介入,调停





