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学校应该教打牌 会让孩子更聪明

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Yes, I think there are elements of the game that you should teach in terms of like—

是的 我觉得这个游戏中有些东西是值得在学校教的

because what poker really does is teach you how to deal with probabilities and uncertainties, and that's so integral to life.

因为扑克牌的作用就是教你如何应对可能性和不确定性 这与生活紧密联系

Everything we try to do—“should we take this route or that route”, “should I go here on vacation or there”—

我们试图做的——“应该走这条路还是那条” “应该去这里还是那里度假”——

it's all about dealing with uncertainties and probabilities of things happening, and poker is a very fun and easy way to teach someone how to do that.

都是在应对正在发生的事情的可能性和不确定性 而扑克可以有趣又轻松教会别人怎么做到这一点


It's a shame people often put poker in the same ballpark as just general gambling.

人们通常把扑克和一般的赌博混为一谈 这真的很可惜

Just because some people choose to play it for money, but you don't have to play for money—it's just about winning.

因为有些人打牌纯粹是为了赢钱 但你也可以不打赢钱的牌 它就只关乎胜利而已

You could win anything. You could win pride. You could win matchsticks or money.

你可以赢得任何东西 你可以赢得自尊 可以赢火柴棍 或者是钱也行

And there is so many like core fundamentals of the game that I wish I had known at age ten,

这个游戏有很多核心的基础要素 我希望自己十岁的时候就能知道这些

these ides, these sort of ways of thinking about expected value and probabilistic thinking in general

这些想法 这些关于期望值和可能性思维的想法

would have sped up a lot of things in my life had I been more aware of it.

如果我能早些时候懂得这些 就一定不会走那么多弯路

And also learning how to evaluate evidence;


that's something that is not taught in school or very rarely taught in school,

学校里不教这一点 或者很少提及

learning how to change our minds, update our beliefs.

学习如何改变想法 如何刷新我们的信念

When we get new information being able to weigh is that information reliable or not

当我们获得可以权衡的新信息时 这个信息是否可靠

and playing poker has taught me how to do those much more accurately.


So, if there's a way to teach children through a game, and children love to learn through games, poker could be one of those methods.

所以 如果可以通过游戏来教育孩子 孩子们也喜欢通过游戏学习 那么扑克就是一种很好的方式

I think being mathematically minded is—there's probably some aptitude involved in it,


but I still think the vast majority of it is down to the determination and practice.

但我觉得说到底 最重要的多数因素还是决心和练习

You can take someone, I mean if you can just understand the concept of numbers in the first place,

你可以让某人 如果你最初就能理解数字概念

which I think the vast majority of humans can, then you can train someone to be more mathematically capable.

我觉得多数人都能做到这一点 那么你就可以把这个人训练得更擅长数学

It's like learning a language; it's almost like you have that initial passion and desire to get better, then it's those little incremental jumps.

就像学一门语言 你拥有最初的激情和欲望 想要变得更好 然后就有一些小小的增量

And it makes me so sad when I meet people who are like “I’m no good at math, no good at math”

我经常遇到这样一种人 他们会说“我数学很差 一点都不好”

and if you actually keep asking them why and go back in their history

如果你问他们为什么 并看一下他们曾经历过的事

it almost always comes down to some bad experience they had when they were probably seven years old and the teacher asked them “what's five times five?”

基本上都会追溯到他们七岁左右所经历的一些不好的事 那时候老师问过他们“五乘五等于多少”

and they screwed up and their friends laughed at them, and then these barriers get built and they're like “oh it's not my thing”.

他们答不上来 被其他朋友嘲笑 于是就产生了这些障碍 让他们觉得“哦 数学不是我的菜” 这让我很难过

And I think it's just a huge tragedy because most humans can learn to be at least competent at basic mathematics, especially the mathematics involved in poker.

这是个很大的悲剧 因为多数人都可以通过学习 至少能够应对基础数学 尤其是扑克牌中的数学

It's really not that complicated.


There's a lot of approximations you can do and I found that I used to actually not be very good at mental arithmetic.

你可以想出很多近似值 我以前发现自己的心算不太好

I was fine if I had a pen and paper and algebra, that was, I liked that, but in the moment of, mental arithmetic I could never do.

如果有纸有笔有代数的时候 我算的还不错 那种感觉挺好 但一到心算 我就束手无策了

But I started playing poker and started practicing these things and now it's a skill I'm proud of.

后来我开始打牌 并一直练习这些东西 现在它成了我引以为傲的技能

So it's just a willingness to keep plugging away at it.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

algebra ['ældʒibrə]


n. 代数学

determination [di.tə:mi'neiʃən]


n. (正式)决定,规定,决心,测定,定位

integral ['intigrəl]


adj. 构成整体所必需的,完整的
n. [数

accurately ['ækjuritli]


adj. 准确地
adv. 精确地,准确地

evaluate [i'væljueit]


vt. 评估,评价

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

pride [praid]


n. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心





