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Laurel还是Yanny? 金裙蓝裙争议再现

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

I always like to come down here, and I like to talk about how much we have in common more than we're different,

我特别喜欢做节目 我也喜欢谈论我们的相似之处大于不同之处

and it doesn't matter what your politics are, it doesn't matter your race, or religion.

这与政党 种族和信仰无关

Here at the Ellen Show, we all come together as one, except for the people in the riffraff room.

在《艾伦秀》 我们万众一心 除了在休息室里的那些人

They're separate. Aww.


They're happy, they just didn't get tickets in time. They're happy.

他们很开心 他们只是没及时买到票而已 他们很开心


But there are still things that divide us, and today I want to talk about the biggest controversies since this dress.

但还是有一些东西会让我们产生分歧 今天我想聊一下自这条裙子后出现的最大分歧

You remember this? All right, now, I personally see a gold and white dress.

大家记得这个吗?好 我个人看到的是金色和白色的裙子

How many people see it gold and white?


All right, how many people see a blue and white dress?

好 有多少人觉得是蓝色和白色的?

Screaming doesn't make more of you. Just an arm up helps.

尖叫声也掩盖不了你们人少的真相 只有举手才行

All right, how many of you have heard of this Laurel and Yanny thing?

好 有多少人听过Laurel和Yanny这个事儿?

OK. All right. Not the comedy duo, they stopped touring years ago. The old Yanny and Laurel.

好 好 不是那个喜剧二重奏 他们几年前就停止巡演了 以前的Laurel和Yanny

All right, I'm talking about the viral sound that is tearing the nation apart.

好 我说的是那个分裂国家的很火爆的声音

Listen carefully to this, and then you're going to tell me if you hear Laurel or Yanny.

认真听这个 然后告诉我你们听到的是Laurel还是Yanny

OK, how many people hear Laurel?

好 有多少人听到的是Laurel?

How many people here Yanny?


Again, yelling does not make more of you.

还是那样 大喊大叫也没用

You still are not as many people as the correct people, which are Laurel.

你们还是比正确的人少 那就是听到Laurel的人

It is Laurel. It's Laurel. Now, Laurel. It's so easy, it's Laurel.

是Laurel 是Laurel 嗯 Laurel 很简单 就是Laurel

So more of you hear Laurel.


The people who hear Yanny, I'm going to have to ask you to leave because-- it's crazy though, isn't it?

听到Yanny的人 我不得不请你们离开了 因为 很疯狂对吧

I mean, we can hear the exact same thing, and then hear something completely different.

我们听的是同一个声音 却听到了完全不一样的东西

How many of you have husbands, and you tell him to take the trash out, and put the dishes away,

你们有多少人有老公 你让他们去倒垃圾 收拾碗碟

and they hear have a beer and take a nap?

结果他们听到的是喝一瓶酒 睡上一觉?

Same thing, and yet they hear-- so this morning-- this morning I heard something that blew my mind even more.

同样的事 但他们听到的 今天早上 今天早上我听到了一件更让我抓狂的事

OK, I'm going to play a clip. Listen carefully to this.

好 我要放个短片 大家认真听

All right, now I'm going to play a different clip.

好 现在我再放一个不一样的片段

The juice of lemons makes fine punch.


Now I'm going to play the first clip you heard.


It's like a horror movie, isn't it? Clearly, you could hear the juice-- the juice of lemons, right, makes fine punch.

像恐怖片对吧 很明显 大家能听到柠檬汁 对吧 可以做出很好的宾治酒

At first, you just hear static, but then the brain knows what to listen for, and then you hear it.

第一遍的时候 你只能听到一些静电干扰 但等大脑知道去听什么的时候 你就能听到了

Apparently, it comes down to pitch, and the power of suggestion.

很明显 这都是音高的关系 还有暗示的力量

And I think that's a good lesson to remember because there are times that we're going to disagree,

我觉得这是很好的一课 因为有时候我们会意见相左

and it doesn't matter who's right, and who's wrong, and what makes you better is really listening to somebody else as long as they hear Laurel.

谁对谁错其实无所谓 你只需要倾听听到Laurel的人的意见就可以了

I'm going to randomly point to someone right now, and see if they agree with me.

现在我要随便点一个人 看他同不同意我的观点

Sir in the black t-shirt right there. What do you hear? I hear Laurel. Laurel.

穿着黑色T恤的那位先生 你听到的是什么?我听到的是Laurel Laurel

You're correct, and that means you're our dancer of the day.

你是对的 所以你就是今日舞者了

See, I bet someone who heard Yanny couldn't dance like that.

看到了吧 我打赌听到Yanny的人肯定跳不了这么好

重点单词   查看全部解释    
separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

punch [pʌntʃ]


n. 打洞器,钻孔机,殴打
n. (酒、水、糖

pitch [pitʃ]


n. 沥青,树脂,松脂
n. 程度,投掷,球场

viral ['vairəl]


adj. 滤过性毒菌的,滤过性毒菌引起的

comedy ['kɔmidi]


n. 喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

clip [klip]


n. 夹子,钳,回形针,弹夹
n. 修剪,(羊

disagree [.disə'gri:]


v. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜

static ['stætik]


adj. 静态的,静力的,静止的,静电的

randomly ['rændəmli]


adv. 任意地,随便地,胡乱地





