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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

We are going to play a version of Stuff Your Cups called Crazy Rich Cash Grab.

我们要来玩“塞满杯子”的一个版本 叫做“疯狂抓钱”

And so you two are going to get into some very flattering underwear,


you're going to get into that booth together, you'll have 30 seconds to grab as much money as you can,

一起进那个电话亭里 在30秒内抓尽量多的钱

stuff it in your panties, and here's the twist there is a golden ticket in the pile of cash.

塞进内衣里 这里有个小彩蛋 那一堆钱里面有一张金色的票

If you find that ticket, one member of the audience is going to get to special prize. All right?

如果你们能找到那张票 就会有一名观众得到特殊的奖励 好吧?


Just one member of the audience. That is pressure. Everyone else-- Yes, it is. All right.

只有一名观众 压力山大啊 大家 没错 是的 好

All right, so you'll get these. Oh. Wow. OK. Are these mine?

好 你们穿上它们 哦 哇哦 好 这是我的吗?

Nobody mentioned anything about underwear. No?

没人说过内衣这回事儿 没有吗

This is-- This is like the size of my head. Well. And goggles. Yes.

这是 这都跟我的头一样大了 还有护目镜 嗯

Goggles because that money is shot up, it's sharp. You know that. Yes.

戴上护目镜 钱会被吹起来 边缘很锋利 你知道 对

You're crazy rich Asians. All right. OK, hold on. Got to get the bangs.

疯狂的亚洲富人 好 好 等一下 要戴好

All right. You have 30 seconds, it's going to be a lot of fun. Wait. OK.

好 你们有30秒时间 会很好玩的 等一下 好

All right. Thanks. Oh, my gosh.

好 谢谢 哦 天啊

Did you get it? All right! All right.

你拿到了吗?好 好

You've got the Golden ticket. I've got quite the pouch. Yes.

你拿到金色的门票了 我还塞满了内裤 对

That's nice. You get to keep all that.

很好 那些你都留着

Christi Phillips. Where is Christi Phillips?

Christi Phillips Christi Phillips在哪里?

Here's the note. She has a note. She's this excited.

是这样 她很激动

She has no idea why she's excited. I'm meeting you guys!

她根本不知道为什么激动 我见到你们了

I would hand you the microphone, we don't need it though.

我想给你麦的 不过你不需要

Sorry. Sorry, sorry! Where do you live, what do you do?

不好意思 抱歉 抱歉 你来自哪里 做什么的?

I live in San Diego. And I teach Brazilian Jujitsu. Oh, wow.

我来自圣地亚哥 教巴西柔术 哦 哇哦

That's amazing. OK, well, here's what you're doing you're getting a six day,

很厉害呀 好 是这样 你得到了

five night round trip vacation for two to the Marina Bay Sands luxury hotel in Singapore with business class travel.

新加坡滨海湾沙滩豪华酒店双人六天五夜往返旅行度假 外加商务舱

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my gosh!

哦天啊 哦天啊 哦天哪

Something for everyone in the audience, you're all getting a $150 Fandango gift card.

所有观众也有礼物 你们将获得150美元的Fandango礼品卡

重点单词   查看全部解释    
twist [twist]


v. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲
n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

microphone ['maikrəfəun]


n. 麦克风,扩音器

flattering ['flætəriŋ]


adj. 奉承的;谄媚的

luxury ['lʌkʃəri]


n. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品





