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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

We're always making choices, aren't we?

我们无时无刻不在做选择 不是吗

That's what I find, always making choices.

我发现就是这样 总在做选择

What to wear, today I decided to wear my Ed by Ellen.

决定穿什么 今天我穿的是自己的Ed by Ellen

This as my dog Wolf wearing my dog Augie's sweater--


--and he's wearing his--and then we decide what we're gonna eat,

它穿着它的 然后我们要决定吃什么

we decide who to vote for, we decide if we should get rid of electoral college,

给谁投票 我们要决定是否应该取消总统选举团

all these things that--we're trying to make choices, and I started making choices like--

等等 我们试图做选择 我开始做选择

this morning I got up, and I was like, what am I gonna have for breakfast?

早上一起来 就想 早餐吃什么?


And this morning, after a long deliberation, I had potato chips.

今天早上 纠结了很久后 我吃了薯片

Yeah, I'm not ashamed to say that.

嗯 我一点都不觉得难以启齿

I like the salt and vinegar chip, that's what I like, salt and vinegar, yeah.

我喜欢盐醋薯片 我就喜欢这个味儿的 盐醋 对

Oh, they're delicious. They're salty and zingy and they wake you right up,

哦 太好吃了 又闲又好吃 立马就能让你清醒过来

which is great 'cause I don't drink coffee 'cause that's bad for you. So--

这一点很好 因为我不喝咖啡 对身体不好 所以

--now, I don't know, if you don't like the salt and vinegar chip, and you don't have to,

不知道 如果你们不喜欢盐醋薯片 那就不用像我这样

that's OK because there are a lot of different chips to choose from.

没关系 因为有很多种口味的薯片供你们选择

There's potato, there's corn, there's barbecue, there's baked, there's sea salt, there's ruffled,

有土豆 玉米 烤肉味儿的 有烘焙 海盐味儿的 有褶皱薯片

there's Popchips, there's corn chips, there's blue chips, there's Sun Chips,

有Popchips 还有玉米薯片 蓝薯片 Sun Chips

there's cheddar, there's nacho cheese, there's jalapeño, there's multi-grain,

还有切达干酪 奶酪味儿的玉米片 有墨西哥辣椒味儿的 多谷的

there's French onion, there's chili cheese, there's salt and pepper, Cool Ranch-- you want me to go on? I can.

法式洋葱的 辣椒奶酪的 盐椒味儿的 Cool Ranch 还要继续吗 我还能说

OK, crinkle cut, sweet potato, black bean, sour cream-- and onion, and I'm gonna choose to stop there.

好 卷薯片 甘薯 黑豆 酸奶油 还有洋葱味儿的 就到此为止吧

I don't have to but I'm choosing to. My point is--

我还能继续说下去 不过还是算了吧 我想说的是

I don't know, I have so many points to make, I don't know which point I'm trying to make.

我也说不清 我想表达很多点 我都不知道自己到底想说什么了

I guess what I'm trying to say is decisions are even harder when the choices are so good like,

可能我想说的是 有这么多不错的选择的时候 做决定就更难了

for instance, I was watching you all dance before I came out here

比如 我上台之前会看你们跳舞

and I was trying to decide which audience member I wanted to dance for all of you right now,


and there were so many good ones, so many to choose from.

好多人都跳的很好 太多选择了

But it was a hard decision but if you see your picture, it's you who I want to come down here and stand next to me.

很难决定 不过当你们看到照片 就知道我是想让这位上来了

Hi. Hi. How ya doin'? I'm great, how are you? I'm fantastic.

嗨 嗨 你好吗 很好 你呢 特别好

What is your name? Hillary. Hi Hillary, where do you live?

你叫什么 Hillary 你好Hillary 来自哪里

Baltimore, Maryland. That's what I thought, and--

马里兰巴尔的摩 我猜就是那儿

--I always try to guess where people are from when they're dancing.

大家跳舞的时候 我总会猜他们来自哪里

There was a guy dancing with Cliff-- with-- you're not Cliff, you're--

有个跟Cliff一起跳舞的小伙子 你不是Cliff 你是

Your name is not Cliff at all, is it?


Is-- do you have a middle name or a nickname?


It just came to me so I feel like maybe it should be. What do you do for a living?

我只是突然想到 可能就该这样 你是做什么的?

I'm actually a nanny but I also perform--I do dance and circus-- things. Yeah, you sure do.

其实我是个保姆 不过我也表演 跳舞和马戏团之类的 嗯 肯定的

What is your name? Hillary. Hillary, that's right.

你叫什么 Hillary Hillary 对

And his name, that's Cliff over there.


Um-- I'm very, very sleepy.

哦 我好困

So-- maybe potato chips aren't the best way to start the day.


That's-- I'm realizing it's not good for the brain.


All right, Cliff, here's what I want you to do.

好 Cliff 我想让你这样

I'm kidding. I know your name is-- DJ some stuff?

开玩笑的 我知道你叫啥 跳DJ之类的舞吗

Y-- no, no, you're just gonna do your bendy stuff which was very impressive.

不 不 你只需要下腰就行了 那个很厉害

OK, I have to tuck my shirt in. OK, yeah, do that. --I do some more.

好 我得把衣服掖进去 好 嗯 掖吧 我再表演点别的

All right, yeah-- oh, there's gonna be more, we're seeing more than what we saw before.

好 哦 还有别的呢 我们会看到更精彩的表演哦

All right, there'll be music-- oh, oh, you're just gonna go but--

好 来音乐 哦 哦 你要直接跳 不过

--do it to the music and have fun. All right.

跟着音乐跳吧 尽情嗨 好

Wow, thank you. That was wonderful.

哇哦 谢谢 太棒了

Now I feel like I wanna do all kinds of like-- no?

现在我感觉想做点 不行吗

Look, Hillary! It made me wanna get-- get flexy--and bendy.

快看Hillary 看得我都想伸伸腿儿了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
salty ['sɔ:lti]


adj. 咸的

vinegar ['vinigə]


n. 醋

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

cliff [klif]


n. 悬崖,峭壁

corn [kɔ:n]


n. 谷物,小麦,玉米
v. 形成(颗粒状),

impressive [im'presiv]


adj. 给人深刻印象的

deliberation [di.libə'reiʃən]


n. 熟虑,审议





